Alpha Males In Lord Of The Flies

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The book Lord of the Flies was written as though a plane of marooned "party of boys," on what was "an island: clambering among the pink rocks, with the sea on either side, and the crystal heights of air, they had known by some instinct that the sea lay on every side." Although the novel was written as with a plane of stranded boys, if the plane had been full of all girls the situation would have been different; in the contrary with a plane full of boys and girls the story would have varied very little. In the story and in real life some of the males in the society develop alpha male personalities. Alpha males are noted as men with desirable traits and natural leading skills, in the novel the two main alpha males are Jack and Ralph. Jack was "in charge of the choir," showing his leading abilities and believed he "ought to be chief... because [he was] chapter chorister and head boy," both his previous leading experience and his desire to be chief on the island point to Jack being an alpha male. …show more content…

So, in Lord of the Flies some of the boys did have dominant or alpha male personalities which helped shape the

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