Argumentative Essay On Lord Of The Flies

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In the Lord of the Flies the boys began to act in a savage type of way. They began to compete for power and where more than willing to act in a violent manner to get it. When Jack and Ralph split up into different groups, Jacks group was stealing, torturing and killing people in Ralph’s group. These actions were due to the situation and environment these kids were put in. They originally came from a civilized nation and then suddenly they found themselves in an environment where there were no laws or morals that kept them from doing bad. They could now act like savages and there was no punishment for doing so. Not to mention the fear put into everybody about “the beastie” makes people act differently. Fear makes people do irrational things, …show more content…

“ The freedom then of man, and liberty acting according to is own will, is grounded on his having reason, which is able to instruct him in that law he is to govern himself by, and make him know how far he is left to the freedom of his own will.” (Locke). Locke expresses that man is given reason by god, therefore he has everything he needs to govern himself. In Lord of the Flies, the boys were acting like complete savages. This is because they were put into a situation that was not natural in their eyes. Jack, Ralph, Roger and the kids were use to living in a civilized nation. Once they were stranded on an island, there attitudes started to change and they showed several cases of immoral behavior. However, once they were rescued they no longer were trying to harass or kill one another. They all were sad and regretted what was done. This is because they were back in civilization and were able to reason and realize they have done bad. Toward the end of the book this was written: “ His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by the emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too.” This is proof that the situation they were put it caused the evil

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