Alpha Male Research Paper

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I am sure that most women have fantasized at some point in their life, about a man that is extremely handsome, muscular, and has a sex appeal that could be seen even in his walk. The way he walks and his body language tell a woman that he has the highest ego in the world. These are some of the characteristics of an alpha male. An alpha male is a person who is strong and has the power to make dreams turn into a reality. The alpha male is a person that shows great qualities and traits. He is highly confident in his looks and his perception. He is not looking for acceptance from his peers and has the power to control himself. An alpha male is an example of a man that gets out if an expensive car, wearing a nice clean tuxedo, and is well groomed with cologne fragrance lingering in the air. He walks slowly to make sure he is noticed by all the women he passes. He has the confidence to know that he is handsome, smart, and well-liked. An alpha male is a go with the flow type of male, and he is not afraid to adapt to change. He knows how to communicate with women, even in his body language. An alpha male is the type of male that most women are passionate about finding. The alpha male is a person that …show more content…

He likes to win in everything that he does. He has no problem taking a risk if he feels like the risk is worth taking. The alpha male knows how to handle himself as well. An example is if an alpha male went out to a bar, and he saw a female that he thought was attractive, but the female was talking to another male. He would go out of his way to be noticed and make sure she knew he was interested. He is always up for any type of challenge that may occur especially when it comes to women. An alpha male is always challenging himself even in his career goals. Even though the alpha male likes competition, he is not afraid to lose. When he loses, it only makes him try harder to win next

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