Aldo Leopold: Environmental Hero

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Environmental Hero
Hero, when people see this word most imagine a superman or women, because this word is defined to us as someone who is capable of greatness or someone who can magically save the world in a day. My Environmental hero is Aldo Leopold; he has accomplished many morally right achievements. Thus, others view him not only as a great leader but a hero. Aldo broadened my views on our lack of value for nature and I believe that others should know and share his compassion for the land. Aldo Leopold is by far a hero to me; his writings and positions have created a path for nature and man to harmonies and thrive together.
To begin, Aldo Leopold was born in 1887, raised in Iowa. In 1906, he began his work at Yale Forest School. In 1922, he Submitted a proposal to make Gila National Forest a wilderness area. In 1933, he accepts new chair appointment for game management. In 1939, he became chair for the Department of Wildlife Management. In1947, he submitted a book manuscript of “Great Possessions”. Then April 21St 1948, Aldo Leopold died helping fight a grass fire for a neighbor. In 1949, Great Possessions became published as A Sand County Almanac. Furthermore, because of all …show more content…

He introduced a new world and dialogue to his readers, he showed me as a naive environmental ethical newbie that, there is more value in life than just people and the way that we treat our land and environment is almost a karma to how and in which one lives their lives. He by introducing that to me has completely changed my values and beliefs in the world. Now when I go on hikes and live in my day to day life I value the world around me and the environment around me. I have become more aware and observant to the beings I live and surround myself with. Rather it be the soil on which I walk or the birds that fly above me I value life in a new

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