Albert Einstein's Quotes In 'Once You Stop Dying'

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Albert Einstein had a good life. Many of people many know him as the inventor of the equation E=MC2 that did nothing else but you are so wrong. If you believe that, well you are so wrong. Many people don’t know what other things he did or his life. Here is one of his quotes. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Albert's I think best quote is " I fear the day a that technology will surpass or human interaction. We will have a generation of idiots." For me it is the best quote because everyone is so in to technology this generation and he had it right back then, that one generation will be idiots because of technology. It is spectacular that his quote is right and it is about right now. When his father gave him a compass at a young age he learned to go outside and interact with the world. Yet technology wasn’t invented back then but it is still and good reason to get outside. He got so many things done without a phone.
Albert's education quote is " Once you stop learning you start dying" I think it is good because you learn something everyday and if you stop learning you won't go anywhere and you start to die. " I try not to be a man of success but to be a man of value." He had a bumpy time trying to invent things but he …show more content…

It must have been risky inventing them things. People might have said it will never work or he can't but he was devoted to make them things. He has opened our mind to no things and things that we can do. His quote is actually really close to what is today about technology. Another reason why I chose him was because most people in this world know the large facts about Einstein such as his famous theory of relativity and E=MC2, but I wanted to find out more accomplishments that he had over the course of his

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