Affordable Housing In Canada

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Affordable housing refers to housing units that are affordable by that section of society whose income is or below the median household income. For example, affordable housing should address the housing needs of lower or middle income households. And for sustainable communities, it is one that is economically, environmentally, and socially healthy and resilient.. According to the Western Australia Council of Social Services (WACOSS): "Social sustainability occurs when the formal and informal processes; systems; structures; and relationships actively support the capacity of current and future generations to create healthy and livable communities.” As we can tell, all affordable housing, sustainable community, and social sustainability are …show more content…

If housing is not affordable, like in Vancouver, many people are forced to live far away from where they work just so they can have a home. In this way, the further you have to go for the necessary goods, such as food, supplies, or even go to work, the more stressful life is. Why? It is because many of the very basic and needed services are not available nearby, such as hospitals and various other medical services, this forces people from remote locations to travel long distance to have some of their basic needs met. Affordability has many linkages which is what makes it an essential part of planning and supporting a sustainable community. If the community cannot provide a sustainable living environment to those people living in there, how can the community be …show more content…

The housing affordability crisis has been slowly developing over decades. This implies that young households – in particular young families who want to get their feet on the owner-occupied housing ladder, are hardest hit by the crisis. (Housing Supply Working Group) It is clear, historically, that even with significant private sector rental development, there will always be a need for some government role in assisting low-income households with housing affordability and other income problems. The impact of lack in rental supply and the consequent upward the pressure on rents is pressuring on all levels of government for assistance to low income households so that they can afford suitable and adequate housing. And the household formation will be delayed as young people are unable to find affordable rental accommodation if the shortfall units of rental housings keep remaining. (Housing Supply Working

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