Homelessness In The Homeless Home

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Homelessness can happen to anyone unexpectedly. Many poor people are at the risk of homelessness. The cost of living and trying to find affordable housing can be very difficult. Many who are homeless are in poverty, have a mental illness, or addictions. Homelessness happens from personal, as well as structural factors. Many aren’t able to make enough for rent, as well as, utilities, food, and other expenses each month. More than 6 million Americans pay more than half of their income towards rent (Reamer, 1989). The trend is once someone becomes homeless, it is likely they will be homeless repeatedly. To end homelessness, affordable housing will have to be created because it is peoples largest single expenditure (Anderson, 2013).
In America, from the 1930’s to the 1960’s the government assumed …show more content…

I also think minimum wage effects what people can afford and therefore only allows them to look for low-income housing, which is limited. Like Reamer (1989) said, many families either divorce or don’t combine households which requires more units to live in. Many times women are in custody of the children, and she may work multiple minimum wage jobs trying to keep her kids in school or daycare while she affords rent and food. Her expenses would be higher because she is also paying for other mouths to feed—often on her own. That doesn’t leave much of her income to be allowed for rent. I also think that homelessness can happen to almost anyone. I have read stories of college educated adults whom are living on the streets. The majority of those who are homeless are in poverty, making the minimum wage in search of options that would allow them to afford the housing they need. I think that the cost of living is too high for a single parent or single person to be living on minimum wage. Everything costs too much, and it is unacceptable that people have to live on the streets because housing is a

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