Affirmative Action Speech

593 Words2 Pages

I. Introduction

A. There are two kids applying to a college. Both have the same GPA, extracurricular activities, and test grades. They should score the same on their admission policies, but one has a grandfather who came from Mexico. That person qualifies as being a poorly represented ethnicity and all of the sudden qualifies for acceptance when the other person does not. That just isn't fair.

B. Affirmative Action is a poor attempt of ending racism because it is in fact only justifying racism by its own actions of taking preferences.

C. Today we will go over three main areas involved with why affirmative action is such a poor policy:

1. Because AA uses discrimination to end previous discrimination.

2. Its unfairness towards you and me.

3. and Because it is unfair to give special privileges.

II. Body

A. Affirmative Action uses discrimination to end the previous discrimination of our ancestors. This is a large and growing problem in our country.

1. It was originated by President Johnson to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.

# Affirmative Action grew rapidly and is now used in most college and job admission programs.

# Today its policies judge people solely on skin color and gender and sex.

# Its use today is now going against what it's intentions were in in 1965.

2. This problem is caused by the many colleges and companies using this program and being stubborn in their views over a possible change.

# At Stanford, there has been discrimination in favor of racial minorities in admissions.

# The Students began protesting because the racial preferences promoted in Affirmative Action were actually just promoting discrimination.

3. Affirmative Action causes so many problems because it is very common that the best candidate does not get admitted into a college or for a job.

4. Many students here, in this classroom, will or has seen the affects through their college admissions.

B. Affirmative Action should be abolished completely for all levels of admission.

1. There should be no program used for admissions that involves any preferences whether it deals with legacy, race, or location.

2. There would be no costs, no time involved, but just that each admission program looks at ones qualities, not their skin color.

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