Advantages And Disadvantages Of Antidepressants

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Proposed Methods of Treatment The type of treatment in any case ultimately depends on what the condition is and what will work for the patient. In order to determine what is necessary, a therapist must conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if the patient is indeed suffering from any mental health conditions. If there sufficient information to make a diagnosis, the therapist must establish what type of disorder it is so they will know how to treat it. In addition, the therapist should inquire on if the patient has already received treatment from an existing or a past anxiety disorder. This will help the therapist to know what medication was given, what were the dosages and any side effects they may cause concern or raise a red flag. This will also educate the therapist on any therapy that was beneficial for the client oppose to therapy that was not. Medication There are some people that feel that the treatment they …show more content…

However, they also work for those that are suffering from anxiety disorders. They work to change the chemistry in the brain. Once the initial dose is taken, it takes at least 4 to 6 weeks before the symptoms will go away. The medication must be taken as directed in order for it to work properly. Antidepressants commonly used include; SSRIs – Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors – these antidepressants work to change the level of the communication of the brain cells. Some of the more common ones are Prozac, Zoloft and Lexapro. Tricyclics – These antidepressants are older than SSRIs and are used for anxiety disorders other than OCD. They are administered with a low dosage and increase gradually. MAOIs – Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors – these are the oldest of the antidepressants available to use for these conditions. It is mostly used for anxiety disorders, attacks and related conditions. Anti-Anxiety

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