Adult Learning and Work

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Introduction and Discussion of the Problem

Adults in the workplace have educational needs and challenges. Today’s workplace requires not only technical ability, but also the ability to think critically to make decisions and solve problems. Some team members come to the job with a natural ability to thrive in this environment while others seem to struggle. (Jozwiak, 2004) The literature suggests that these skills can be taught or enhanced particularly if learner can see the value these skills can have in finding answers to their personal challenges, needs and desires. (Jozwiak, 2004 & Moore 2010)

Adult Learning

Adult learning is a process complicated by many variables including preferred teaching style, learning style, and past learning experience. It is accepted that adults learn differently than children. For the process to be effective, adults need to see and be convinces that the time consuming process involved in critical thinking for solving problems will be of value to them in their personal and professional lives (Jozwiak, 2004 & Moore, 2010). This will not happen automatically. Adult learning must be addressed by teachers and trainers in a systematic and thoughtful way.


Andragogy is a prominent adult learning theory. The term first came into use in 1833 to describe Plato’s educational theory and was expanded on by Malcolm Knowles in the 1980’s (Abela, 2009; Moore, 2010; & Woodward 2007). Andragogy is described as “the art and science of helping adults learn” (Knowles, Holton & Swanson 1998 as cited in Moore 2010). The model is based on several assumptions:

• Adult learners are self-directed.

• Adults have greater of experiences than youth that are a resource to their learning.

• Adults...

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...rks Cited

Abela, J. (2009). Adult learning teories and medical education: a review. Malta Medical Journal, 21(1), 11-18.

Facione, P. &. (2007). Talking Critical: Thinking. Change, 39(2), 38-45.

Jozwiak, j. (2004). Teaching Probelm-Solving Skills to Adults. MPAEA Journal of Adult Education, 33(1), 19-34.

Knowles, M. S. (1998). The Adult Learner. Houston: Gulf.

Moore, K. (2010). The Three-Part Harmony of Adult Learning, Critical Thinking, and Decision-Making. MPAEA Journal of Adult Education, 39(1), 1-10.

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Woodward. (2007). Using Adult Learning Theory for New-Hire Training. MPAEA Journal of Adult Education, 36(1), 44-47.

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