Adult Education Philosophy : My Philosophy

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Adult Education Philosophy: My Philosophy
The learning process for adults is never ending and can be very challenging. As an adult educator, teaching adult learners you will face many challenges in the learning process. It is our responsibility to keep the learners engaged, and to help them to realize their full learning potential.
In the NAVY, initially our technical rate training utilized more of the Behaviorist learning theory. As learners our teachers were focused on changing our behaviors and modifying them from the civilian way of thinking to building a solid military foundation from which to build upon. It was John B. Watson an American psychologist who codified and publicized behaviorism that said, "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I 'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select - doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and the race of his ancestors” (Mcleod, S. 2008). This is exactly what was taking in place in boot camp, we were those infants. After mastering those basic skills and learning from all the trial and errors we transitioned into the progressive learning philosophy. The Progressive philosophy enabled us to pass on the knowledge learned from all our trial and errors to others. We started solving problems, as our equipment broke down we started trouble shooting and repairing the equipment ensuring our submarine was able to stay underway and complete the mission. With the downsizing of our military our leaders were constantly looking for new ways to do our jobs with fewer personnel more ...

... middle of paper ... part we have learned to accept our differences as individuals and have moved on. Although we may accept diversity others may have huge personal hang ups, which will prevent positive learning from taking place. As a teacher we need to identify and knock down these learning barriers to create a positive learning environment.

As I researched and studied the 5 teaching and learning philosophies. I believe the humanistic philosophy is the most appropriate for adult learners. However, dependent upon our adult learners, in order to be an effective adult educator we must remain flexible and be willing to adjust our teaching style and delivery method. In doing so we must utilize basic fundamentals from each of the five learning philosophies to reach our adult learners allowing opportunity for positive learning to taking place for both the learner as well as the teacher.

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