Adult Discipline

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Discussion #2 by JALZEN MARIE SAN PEDRO - Monday, 2 February 2015, 2:47 PM Discipline is a system of teaching and preparing a person starting at an early age to make them comply with certain rules, boundaries, and sets of coded behaviours as being told by grown-ups. By imposing discipline to these children, there are certain orders and routines that are needed to be followed. Obeying rules will help them learn how to respect and listen to their parents and other adults. Parental or adult disciplinary actions should be intended to help children understand and modify their behaviours in order for them to cope better with others. Adults should know how to provide an appropriate discipline to children, in order for them to mold their future behaviours. Toddlers and …show more content…

In my own experience in the daycare field, I have worked with toddlers and preschoolers; as a staff I need to know how to discipline them in order for them to learn how to listen and obey. For example, when a kid misbehaves, we talk to them kindly and explain to them what they did wrong and what is the right action to be done to correct it. In that way, we are helping them think of what they have done and teach them how to manage it. But, once they did not listen, we put them in time-out. For the next time they misbehave again, they would know what the consequences would be. Along with that, we redirect the child on altering unacceptable actions to what is acceptable. There are wide varieties of ways to discipline a kid. Be clear about the sets of certain boundaries, and the developed rules they need to follow. Encourage them to cooperate well. Neutralize any arguments when a child wants to submit into arguing. Explain your expectations in advance and help them understand that it is for their own good. Most importantly, do not harm them, just remain calm and focus on their conducts. Think of

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