Adaptive Leadership In The Military

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The U.S. Army is continuing to downsize the force, which emphasizes the type of training and better quality of soldiers that are to remain in the military. Focusing on the quality of soldiers that remain in the force is the blueprint that will pave the way for all younger soldiers that are being trained and mentored by those seasoned and well-developed leaders. The military is steady evolving and improving based upon the requirements that are asked of it as a whole by the U. S. government. Highlighting the importance of the type of adaptive leaders that continue to progress in their careers and becoming the new generation of the senior leadership that is looked at by the younger enlisted for guidance and mentorship is what is important. Combat …show more content…

“Adaptive leadership is an accepted leadership practice that facilitates leading in a difficult and changing environment, as we encounter threats that change and evolve their tactics, techniques, and procedures on a weekly to monthly basis.” (Cojocar, 2011) Being able to adapt and overcome counts for a lot in our profession of military soldiers. Regardless of what your military occupation may be, it all comes down to being able to adapt to whatever changes are needed based upon the moves the enemy may make. The special type of training that goes with each occupation continues to help educate that soldier in a leadership position so they can go back and ensure their junior soldiers are up to speed as well. Being able to critically think in a moment’s split time is where the military is starting to push forward. The leaders cannot always being told what plan of action should be best to take, to develop better soldiers would require them to be able to analyze the situation and come up with solutions on their own. Recognizing the shortcomings of those that you work with and being their leader means stepping up to help them develop their weaknesses and turning them into …show more content…

Priority has been refocused on just being prepared for battle and having all elements ready. Combat Readiness has become a top priority for many senior leaders. There are plenty of soldiers who try to weasel their way out of doing something that is a necessity for everyone, and that is when called upon, going to war. Along with personnel, ensuring that equipment is currently up and running, and that training is being conducted in accordance to the type of operational environment and situations the soldiers may be placed in. Having personnel that will be operating the equipment in those dangerous circumstances with proper training and knowledge of their responsibilities is what it comes down to. “To fight effectively, the armed forces must be manned, equipped, and trained to operate under dangerous, complex, uncertain, and austere conditions—often with little warning.” (Dunn, III, 2013) It is not good enough to have one tier of combat readiness well suited, but lack in other areas will not get the job done when its time to roll

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