Act 4 Scenes 1 through 4 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Act 4 Scenes 1 through 4 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet


When anyone thinks of Shakespeare, they normally think of his most

famous work: Romeo and Juliet. It is because of this that we are

studying it. In particular scenes 1-4 of act four. The events in this

act lead up to the final, tragic end. It is because of these important

dramatic scenes that we chose to write about this part.

Act Four, scene 1


Paris, like everyone else, knowing nothing of Romeo and Juliet's

attachment, visits Friar Laurence to make arrangements for his

marriage to the bride in question. Juliet enters, followed by polite

conversation. Paris unaware of Juliet's objection, is happy to see

her. Unfortunately the feelings are not mutual. Paris leaves shortly

Friar Laurence devises a plan in desperation, to stop Juliet from

going through with the wedding and can reunite with Romeo. He gives

her a powerful drug that will so heavily sedate her that she will

remain in a "dead" form for 42 hours. He ensures her that after that

period of time the drugs affect will wear off and she will awake

unharmed. He also says that he will make a letter telling Romeo of the

plan, and will return to return to Verona, to take Juliet to Mantua

with him. Juliet has no other choice but to do so…

Act Four, scene 2


The scene begins with Juliet's father, directing the arrangements for

the marriage. Caught up supervising the servants, Juliet returns. She

apologises for her previous objection to marrying Paris, and says that

she now wants to marry him. This lights her father's face up with

euphoria. Delighted to hear such news, he forwards the wedding day

from Thursday to Wednesday- the following day.

Act Four, scene 3


Juliet retires to her chamber. She dismisses her mother and nurse.

Obviously because of the change in arrangements, she must take the

drug tonight. Obviously she is terrified. Regardless of this she takes

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