Acid Reflux Informative Speech

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Have you ever woken up at night from sharp pain in your stomach or scary burning sensation? Well you are not alone, there are millions of people suffering from the same symptoms every day. The point is that you might have acid reflux or any other problem that contributes to this state. But there is way how to stop it? Right? Yes I have suffered from acid reflux for while and I know that feeling, but luckily there are remedies that can help you and medications are not always the cure you want. I felt so sick, scared, gaining weight and I was imagining that I'm going to die during my sleep. Before I was healthy and I have never had any problems with acidity and I would never imagine that having unhealthy lifestyle and eating what I want will have huge impact on my health. Well here are some of the symptoms that you might have and you are not aware that are caused by acid reflux:

Burning sensation!
Pain under the ribs or anywhere in the middle of your abdomen and chest!
Burping and Belching!
Nausea accompanied with or without vomiting!
Sensation of fullness after having very small amount of food or even water!
I even had pain and dry throat.
Indigestion and growling stomach
....... and much more!! …show more content…

I was traveling on train one day and I almost faded when I had this crazy nausea and I didn't know that it was coming from my stomach problems. And I went to doctor and he said first we will do bacteria testing. I was confident that I don't have helicobacter pylori ( I will talk more about it in some of my other posts for that), but I did have it doctor prescribed me 7 days treatment. This treatment believe me is exhausting as hell. I barely finished my last two doses because the amount of strong pills I was taking was crazy. And eventually those treatment kill my bad bacteria but also killed every other good bacteria in

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