Academic Integrity

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Academic integrity We should all practice Integrity in our personal, academic, and professional lives, but unfortunately for some it’s not always the case. Usually when you hear the word integrity, similar words like honesty, truthfulness, kindness and fairness come to mind. After reading Professor Bill Taylor’s “A letter to My Students”, open letter, I have gained a better perspective on I should take integrity in my academic journey more seriously than I have been. According to an online article from on why Integrity is Important, it states that, “Academic integrity is important because it ensures that students possess the responsibility to acquire skills honestly in the classroom that aids them in the workforce”. If a student cheated their way through school and never got caught, yes a degree would be obtained, but how would they perform in their field affectedly and for how long? Studying can go a long way if done properly and in timely matter. Reading, summering text in your own words, having a dictionary handy, asking questions during class discussions, asking to meet with the professor during their business hours, and even tutoring are better solutions rather than cheating or being dishonest. …show more content…

Professor Bill Taylor letter states not only what integrity means on his part, but what’s required of the students as well. Professors have an obligation not just to educate, but to also make sure that they are properly prepared and have respect for students’ willingness to learn. They also will provide sufficient amount time for students to complete exams and assignments, and allow students to address concerns regarding their grades or even about the class in general. In order to be successful in the course, both professor and student must be honest and accept responsibility for their work and the amount of effort being put into the course

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