Stephen L Carter Rules About The Rules

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The Rules about the Rules Stephen L. Carter Stephen L. Carter is an American law professor, social-policy writer, columnist, and a bestselling author. Carter graduated from several Ivy League schools earning eight honorary degrees. In 1996, Stephen L. Carter wrote a book length meditation on his idea of what integrity means. His purpose of “The Rules about the Rules” regards the current state of public integrity. Although many Americans in today’s society do not know right from wrong, I agree with Carter’s response to what integrity really means. In the essay “The Rules about the Rules,” Carter sets forth his views on integrity. Throughout this essay, he explains to readers the three rules of integrity. The first step is the difficult process of discerning one’s deepest understanding of right and wrong. The second step is knowing what one believes. This means one knows and understands what is right from wrong and puts what is right into effect. Last but not least, the third and most important step is the person must be willing to say that he or she is acting upon what he or she has decided what is right. Carter believes integrity is a moral virtue that should be consistently acted upon throughout readers’ lives. …show more content…

Carter’s passage, “The Rules about the Rules,” he argues the reality about integrity in American culture today. I believe whole-heartedly with what he was trying to get across. It is very true that cheating and lying are two sins, which are, overlooked in society today. Cheating can begin at a very young age, first a homework assignment, then a major test, the cheating continues to build and look as something of no significance. America’s culture doesn’t even realize this major problem. Our society's own government, some of the world’s greatest politicians, got into office by use of cheating and lying. People of great authority show no integrity. Leaders should be someone who shows great integrity as a leader and role

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