Academic Dismissal Letter

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I am writing to appeal my academic dismissal from Houston Community College. I was not particularly surprised to receive a letter last year informing me of my dismissal for not maintaining SAP requirements but, it left me downhearted. I would urge you to appeal this decision and reinstate me for the next semester.
Last year was really difficult for me, and my grades suffered as a result. I don't intend to make excuses for my poor academic performance, but I would like to explain the turn of events that led to my dismissal. I knew that enrolling for college would require a good deal of me, and I was willing to put forth the effort to improve my future. I thought I could handle the workload and I still think I could have, had I had a stable living environment then. Before I enrolled to HCC I had a permanent address living with my mother for 18 years but, it came to an end right before the fall 2013 semester finals, thus making me miss my Math 1308 final. I possessed no other alternative but to live with my grandmother who lived 30 minutes from the HCC central but, her offer was on a temporary basis. That place soon was no longer available to me. So I asked everyone I knew if they would allow me to live with them, and only my sister excepted me. Only there was a catch. She …show more content…

The time my sisters got home didn't always add up to my school schedule, so some days I would be late to class, and other days I couldn't go altogether. Needless to say that situation cut into my study time. Even when I was at school I was troubled, tired, and felt overworked. I was unable to concentrate on my school work. I understand now that I should have told someone about my plight. I should have met with my professors and my assigned academic advisor to work something out. I was avoiding them, I imagined I could take on these things myself, and I tried but I was

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