Abolishing The R Word Essay

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The r-word is one of the most repulsive words in the English language; it humiliates people and is used colloquially without second thought. The word “retard” causes nothing but anguish. The r-word was first used in a medical discipline (e.g. “mental retardation”). The pejorative forms of the word “retard” and “retarded,” however, are used in society to deride people with intellectual disabilities. I find this social injustice unacceptable, especially because the r-word is often used to call people without intellectual disabilities “stupid.” When the r-word is used incorrectly, it reinforces the painful stereotypes of people with intellectual disabilities as being less-valued members of society. The number of people who use these derogatory …show more content…

To achieve this goal, I compelled my family to join my practices. I informed my brother that instead of using the r-word, he should say nothing at all if he is using it in the incorrect context, or say “an individual with an intellectual disability” if he intends to use it in the correct context. Even though the r-word had a place within a medical context, it has become tainted by its recurring use, to denigrate others. Even political figures have become attuned to the outdatedness of the word. For example, President Obama signed Rosa's Law: a bill regarding wording in federal health, education, and labor policy that replaces "mentally retarded" with "intellectual disability" and "mental retardation" as "individual with an intellectual disability." This sort of people-first language has inspired me to take action among my friends and family. Although President Obama opened the door for awareness, I believe that the next step to end the r-word should come on a personal level. Those who are aware of the cruelty associated with the r-word need to have the courage to stand up and fight against its

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