A Theraph Way Of Life In Jamie Gullen's The Danish Way Of Life

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A Homeland to Return to In the short story “The Danish Way of Life”, author Jamie Gullen, who is a native of New York City spent several months in Copenhagen. She went expecting Copenhagen to be similar culturally to the United States only to find she had a lot to learn about herself and about this new country. In another short story called “Where Are You From?” the author Patricia Park, also a native of New York City, but the daughter of Korean immigrants, also traveled to another country, Korea. She went expecting to find Korea to be the way her parents had described it. The “motherland” as she explained, was a family myth. Although both of these authors grew up in the same city, of the same country, they had two different experiences when …show more content…

She has never had to experience the idea of fitting in with her own culture. Being American is simply natural and a way of life for her. Traveling to another country, especially to one that was nothing like she expected it to be, helped to her stumble upon some important insights. She states being away from her own culture did not change her but made her able to realize what values and habits were the most important to her. In the other story, author Patricia was of Korean descent, but was born and raised here in America. Due to her Korean descent Patricia never really knew for sure where she belonged. She used a name to describe it, “hyphenated Americans,” because she looks like she is from another country but was born and raised here. People right on the streets of New York will ask her where she is from and compliment her on her good English skills. This makes it difficult to truly identify as an American. To really know what values and habits are her own. Traveling to Korea, visiting what they have called her homeland, taught Patricia some important insights of her own. Jamie traveled to Denmark as a student in a study abroad program. She went expecting the country to be fairly similar to the US. She was surprised right away to see so many differences. Jamie states “I was shocked to find out that the Danish way of life couldn’t be more different from what I was expecting.” (350) . Coming from New York City where things are fast paced and very career-driven, she found a place that was calm and cozy. A place where friends sat around and ate dinner and enjoyed each other’s company for many hours. A place with a lot of intimacy and

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