A Misunderstanding- Original Writing

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A Misunderstanding- Original Writing

There was no colour in the room and every surface, like the street

below was tainted by dust, smoke and cracks. Or blood. Although it had

faded with a few hard scrubs, it was unmistakeably spattered on the

bed sheets.

Shaun lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling and as he lit a

cigarette, his unfocused gazed zoned in on a small iron plate that had

been fixed on to the door over the spy hole. This disturbed him

somehow, so he set to work on the plate with his pocket - knife and

within two minutes, the plate was gone. Now deeply satisfied with

himself, Shaun picked up the phone beside his bed. It didn’t work, he

knew it wouldn’t, but he refused to accept it until after three

minutes of banging and rattling the receiver searching for a non –

existent dial tone.

He cast as absent –minded glance at the broken clock on the wall that

prompted him to look at his watch for the time. 33 minutes to six:

1,980 seconds before the infamous Antonio (or Tony) Wallace arrived an

Italian gangster, feared by others in his business, all over Western

Europe. It suddenly occurred to Shaun that Tony could easily afford

the best hotel in town, and yet he had been made to wait for several

hours for his arrival in the most disgusting hotel that he’d ever

seen, that was obviously only still in business because gangsters used

it to put up unsuspecting victims before they were murdered by hit


Cursing his ill – treatment, Shaun angrily leapt off the bed and

hurled, with great speed, the iron plate from the door at the wall.

The thud of it’s contact was followed by a shrill and continuous ring.


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...Shaun, but he could

here Etienne’s heavy breathing from beside him. He knew that he and

Etienne had only one thought in their minds. They must grant Tony

justice. They had no idea why Shaun wanted Tony dead, but that didn’t

matter now. Just revenge.

Shaun could not believe it. He had run on to a long, narrow alleyway.

With nowhere to turn, there was no way the suits wouldn’t shoot. He

was going to be killed in a matter of seconds; he knew it.


It was over now. Shaun did not think he was dying. He felt only

turbulence as his legs collapsed beneath him. He could hear nothing.

He felt nothing. No flashbacks of his life, just a feeling of cold

that was oozing through his veins, transporting an icy feeling all

through his body and a haze that washed over his eyes that

increasingly became darker and denser.

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