Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest speakers for the Black
civil rights movement, had written many great works in his time. Two of his
pieces stand out as his greatest works, Letter from Birmingham City Jail; a
letter written from a jail in Birmingham where he was arrested for
demonstrating peacefully, to clergymen who didn't agree with his views, and
I Have a Dream; a speech given by King in front of the Washington Memorial
at a huge civil rights tea party. Both works convey the same message: the
time has come where Black Americans will not stand for civil injustices any
longer. The way in which the works are written, however, are different, for
one is a letter, to be read by a few, and the other is a speech, to be
heard by many.
A Letter from Birmingham City Jail is exactly that; it is a letter
King wrote to a group of clergy members who disapproved of his actions in
Birmingham City. The fact that this is a letter is blatantly apparent right
from the beginning, King's use of first person clearly defines it as him
talking to the clergy members, not a convention, or a rally, nothing
In his first paragraph, King establishes why he is in Birmingham,
however, he is not clear, as he states, ". . . [he], along with several
members of [his] staff, [are] [there] because [he] was invited [there].
[He] is here because [he] has organizational ties [there].". In other words,
he was there because what he does brought him here, kind of like a job.
In the second paragraph, he becomes crystal clear, by stating that
he is " . . . in Birmingham because injustice is [there].". Not only does
he present why he is there...
... middle of paper ...
...evotees of civil rights,
'when will you be satisfied?'
We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the
victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.
We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with
fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of
the highways and the cities.
Carson, Clayborne. ""I Have a Dream" Speech." The American Mosaic: The African American Experience. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 26 Sept. 2014.
Luker, Ralph E. "Quoting, merging, and sampling the dream: Martin Luther King and Vernon Johns." Southern Cultures 9.2 (2003): 28+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 28 Sep. 2014.
Lischer, Richard The Preacher King: Martin Luther King Jr. and the word that moved America Oxford University Press: 1995. Print
While in jail, Martin Luther King wrote “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” one of Dr. King’s longest letters. This letter talked about about why some laws should and be broken and why there was such a need for the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. King wrote “when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity”. This quote is important to the Civil Rights Movement because it emphasizes how many black brothers and sisters were being drowned, beaten, and hated purely on the color of their skin. They were being segregated, one example being “Funtown”, an amusement park for the white children only, Dr. King demanded this to stop. Alongside writing about the Civil Rights Movement, Dr.
One of the greatest speakers for the black civil rights movement was Martin Luther King, Jr. Two of his pieces that stand out the most, was the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and “I Have a Dream”. The Letter From Birmingham Jail is exactly that, it’s a letter that King had wrote while he was in jail, to a group of clergy members who disapproved of his action in Birmingham City. I Have a Dream was speech that was delivered in Washington, DC at Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963. This speech was written to inspire people to look beyond themselves and also demanded the country unity focusing on equality for all without focusing on the color of their skin; King also wanted the people to take a stand in a nonviolence manner. The Letter from Birmingham Jail and I Have a Dream, have many similarities and differences between the two pieces.
King, Martin Luther. I Have A Dream. I Have A Dream. The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines. 8th edition, Ed.
Dangers on roadways is an issue that describes the discrepancy between perception and reality of road rage. The media, for some odd reason, tends to make road rage a huge controversial issue. As seen on talk shows from Oprah Winfrey to CNN, they reveal to people that road rage could happen at any time and to always be looking over your shoulder. These talk shows and news programs also put fear into our minds by explaining that most roadragers often use guns to kill or injure their victims. Glassner contradicts the media's speculations by stating that out of approximately 250,000 people killed on roadways between 1990-1997, AAA attributed that one in one thousand was an act of road rage (pg.5).
Carson, Clayborne. ""I Have a Dream" Speech." The American Mosaic: The African American Experience. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 26 Sept. 2011.
King, Martin L. "I Have a Dream. " archives. The. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, "Web." 21 Nov. 2013.
On August 28th, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous and powerful speech I Have a Dream, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. The purpose of his speech was to fight for the civil rights, equality, and to stop the discrimination against African-American people. His use of imagery, repetition, and metaphor in his speech had created an impact with his audience. King used the three rhetorical devices, ethos, pathos and logos to help the audience understand the message of his speech.
When a motorist expresses offense over the actions of an aggressive driver, the situation can escalate to acts of road
Is there in the world anything more essential than having a new opportunity of life? Although several individuals may possibly think an obligatory use of seat belt is a technique for causing people to feel a prisoner in their own car, putting on a seat belt would make the difference in a car accident. The use of seat belts provides security while driving; shows self-consciousness and has a role in government. That is why, the use of seat belts should be mandatory for drivers.
King, Martin L., Jr. "I Have a Dream." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.
Balaker, T. (2008). Seat belt laws are unnecessary. Retrieved from the Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center database.
Thesis Statement: Road rage statistics compiled from the NHTSA and the Auto Vantage auto club, show that aggressive driving and road rage are causing serious problems.
IIn 1978, a seatbelt law began in Tennessee for infants and young children. By the middle of 1985, all 50 states and the District of Columbia had enacted any child restraint using seat belts, and then New York extended this law for other ages. The law starts requiring all front seats to use safety belts on December 1987 (Williams & Lund, p. 1438). According to 625 ILC 5/12-603.1, driver and passengers are required to use safety belt (Public). The penalty from this law, depending on the states such as New York’s fine is 50 USD and 25 USD for Illinois states. Does the safety belt help save people’s life? Absolutely, using the safety belt is an option to save a driver and passengers life from any accidents but should it be a law? Should people obligate to pay fines if they don’t want to use a safety belt? According to Human rights, people should hold their freedom to choose, if they want to use the safety belt or not on liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Furthermore, police officers can save their time to do other duties instead of enforcing the seat belt law.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as "the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property"—a traffic and not a criminal offense like road rage. Examples include speeding or driving too fast for conditions, improper lane changing, tailgating and improper passing. Approximately 6,800,000 crashes occur in the United States each year; a substantial number are estimated to be caused by aggressive driving. 1997 statistics compiled by NHTSA and the American Automobile Association show that almost 13,000 people have been injured or killed since 1990 in crashes caused by aggressive driving. According to a NHTSA survey, more than 60 percent of drivers consider unsafe driving by others, including speeding, a major personal threat to themselves and their families. About 30 percent of respondents said they felt their safety was threatened in the last month, while 67 percent felt this threat during the last year. Weaving, tailgating, distracted drivers, and unsafe lane changes were some of the unsafe behaviors identified. Aggressive drivers are more likely to drink and drive or drive unbelted. Aggressive driving can easily escalate into an incident of road rage. Motorists in all 50 states have killed or injured other motorists for seemingly trivial reasons. Motorists should keep their cool in traffic, be patient and courteous to other drivers, and correct unsafe driving habits that are likely to endanger, antagonize or provoke other motorists. More than half of those surveyed by NHTSA admitted to driving aggressively on occasion. Only 14 percent felt it was "extremely dangerous" to drive 10 miles per hour over the speed limit. 62 percent of those who frequently drive in an unsafe and illegal manner said police for traffic reasons had not stopped them in the past year. The majority of those in the NHTSA survey (52 percent) said it was "very important" to do something about speeding. Ninety-eight percent of respondents thought it "important" that something be done to reduce speeding and unsafe driving. Those surveyed ranked the following countermeasures, in order, as most likely to reduce aggressive and unsafe driving behaviors: (1) more police assigned to traffic control, (2) more frequent ticketing of traffic violations, (3) higher fines, and (4) i...
Seat belt usage is a struggling problem today through out the United States. It is also lower then any other industrialized nation in the world. The best way to prevent a death in a motor vehicle accident is to wear a seat belt. Everybody has their opinions on safety belts and the laws that go with them, but until they prove them harmful, people recommend for occupants to wear it while in a vehicle. Still today people want it to be a national law for people to buckle up. Estimations from people all over the country prove that seat belts really help save lives. But also some safety belts have failed and have cause people to get trapped in the car. For instance, if someone happens to run off a bridge and go into the water, they would have to