4 Way Test Essay

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While I currently could not describe how The 4 Way Test has guided how I run my business, The 4 Way Test has aligned with my personal morals/ethics and has been prevalent in my personal life and activities. Over the past four years of high school I’ve been involved with the show choir and the four way test has help guide me through my four years especially this year as the co-president. When I was required to make decision I had to think what was the best for the group. For example as we got closer to our show one of our songs with not ready to be performed and it came time that we had to cut the song from the show even though I personally loved the song. It was the truth that the song was simply not ready, it was fair to all as we all did not know our …show more content…

I will hopefully be earning my Eagle Scout very soon. For two years I served as the Senior Patrol leader who was in charge of the troop and The 4 Way test helped guide me through. A scout is trustworthy, so I do my best to always tell the truth. As senior patrol leader I could sign off on advancement requirements. I had to tell truth and only sign off on requirements that were truly done, so I couldn’t lie and help my friends. A scout obedient meaning I had to be fair to everyone and obey all rules, so I was fair to all and gave everyone the same treatment and only signed off on a requirement when I felt they had completed it. A scout is friendly so I always act in goodwill of the other scouts. I worked with younger scouts so they could complete requirements and rise in their ranks building friendships with them along the way. Finally, a scout is courteous meaning I treated everyone with respect regardless of any factors such as age. Which was beneficial to all as it provided a pleasant scouting experience to

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