4 Types Of Bullying Essay

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Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. There are four common types of bullying. Such as, verbal bullying, physical bullying, relational bullying and cyber bulling. First, verbal bullying is ongoing name calling about someone’s appearance, religion, ethnicity etc. Next, physical bullying involves repeated hitting, kicking, tripping or blocking. Relational bullying is deliberately preventing someone from joining or being part of a group. Cyber bullying is harassing someone by spreading lies, and false rumors through email, text messages, and social media. All of these types of bullying are very serious.
Bullying has severe effects to the victim varying …show more content…

Action needs to take place immediately always take what they tell you seriously never brush it off because to them it maybe life threatening. As a bully victim myself, I know I how it feels to be bullied and feel helpless. I would be so scared to participate in activities in preschool and the bullying followed all the way up to first grade I would come home and tell my mom and she would go to the school and talk to the principle and they would say that they had a no bullying tolerating policy.
They would talk to the child and things would get better for a while until the child wasn’t afraid of the consequences anymore. I believe the school system should really put forth more effort to control/ stop bullying. I understand there are hundreds of students they are responsible for and they can’t be a hundred places at once but I feel if they made it very clear that bullying will not be tolerated and gave harsh consequences with the option of a few counseling sessions by the guidance counselor for both bully and victim.
Having experience with being bullying I can honestly say that I will never consciously bully someone and I will always be here, for anyone who feels the need to reach out and tell someone if they are being bullied. Because everyone is different and unique in their own way and no one should take their life over someone else’s harmful words or actions theres always

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