Overview of Bullying in Schools: The Restorative Justice Approach

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Overview of Bullying in Schools: The Restorative Justice Approach


The Power Point Presentation will define bullying and give characteristics of bullies, victims, and the schools and families that reinforce bullying behavior. It will emphasize restorative justice, examining how it reduces school bullying and aggression. Specifically, the school wide program called The Responsible Citizenship Program will be discussed.

Definition of Bullying

Bullying is an ongoing form of aggression characterized by intent, repetition and an inequity of power (Ma, Stewin & Mah, 2001). It is expressed through a variety of methods including physical, verbal, cyber, and relational. While it can be either overt or covert it is usually proactive, since bullies tend to seek victims without provocation (Beaty & Alexeyev, 2008).

Behavioral Characteristics of Bullies, Victims and Bystanders

While bullies and victims tend to have specific social and emotional characteristics, the categories are not static or dyadic but rather represent a dynamic continuum that ranges from bystanders,...

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