Mahindra Group Essays

  • Case Study Of Toshiba And Mahindra Satyam

    1900 Words  | 4 Pages

    As you know many successful company always have fraud scandals or it still not happen yet that significant impact to society and other industries. Toshiba and Mahindra Satyam (formerly Satyam Computer Services Limited) is a sample scandal of two companies which cause the biggest fraud accounting . Toshiba is a diversified electric, electronic manufacturer and provides a wide range of products and services globally .Toshiba has found in Tokyo in 1875 and quickly become a large company with more than

  • The Chairman And Managing Director Of Mahindra Steel Company

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    Anand Mahindra was born on 1 May 1955. He is the chairman and managing director of Mahindra Group. His grandfather JC Mahindra co-founded the company in Mumbai, India. Founded as a steel trading company, the Group today has a presence in multiple sectors from agribusiness to aerospace. It is considered to be one of the most reputed Indian industrial houses with market leadership in many business verticals including utility vehicles, tractors (world's largest tractor company by volume), after market

  • Group Intervention Paper

    1412 Words  | 3 Pages

    Simmons College Group Information The group being observed does not have an official name. It is a narrative therapy group for individuals with substance use issues. All members have faced legal consequences a result of their substance use and have been legally mandated to attend this group. Agency and/or setting information is unavailable. Due to the fact that this was a singular observation in the middle of the group’s lifespan, group purpose is unclear. The group is comprised of five

  • Communication In Groups

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    Communication played a very important part in our group project. One of the ways we stayed connected was to call group meeOur goal as a team was to get an A on the group project. Because my grade wasn't to to good I was fully committed to the team's goal. We decided to split the groups work up into parts. So each individual had our own assignments. I was the one who assigned the groups work, so i was happy with that individual assignments. We did it this was so it could be easier to accomplish our

  • Task Group Observation Paper

    1799 Words  | 4 Pages

    This term paper is an analysis of the group processes that were observed from the participant observation point of view. The task group project was designed to allow a group of randomly selected students in an online course to work together in order to research, outline, and write a research paper as a group. This paper will synthesize the observations noted and the course material to demonstrate the knowledge obtained with regard to group process. The course was set up as an asynchronous/online

  • Group Reflection Paper

    923 Words  | 2 Pages

    Working in a group can be a very challenging task. However if everyone in the group has the same end goal it can also be quite easy. Though group projects can be easy, they can quickly become stressful when things get hard. Whether it is decision making, conflicts, scheduling conflicts or overall participation conflicts, there will always be adversities that arise within a group and their project. Therefore, given my recent experience with my group, I can definitely state that group projects have

  • Group Project Reflection

    775 Words  | 2 Pages

    Working with other students on a group project can sometimes be a huge challenge because some people have a better work ethic than others and feel as if they are doing all the work. While working in groups, it can be hard to spread out the work evenly, and there are normally people who do more work than others. Group projects require good work ethics, teamwork, and good communication among all members. Good communication is a very important factor to have within group projects. Without communication

  • What I Learned In A Group Research Paper

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    What I learned in the group final project is that I am not the best with working with people. It is not that I do not want to work with them or that they do not want to work with me, it is that my group which consisted of Alexa, Aaron, Ashlyn, Brett, and myself, had very conflicting schedules so it was difficult trying to rearrange times so all or at least the majority of us could meet up to go over our group work. Before starting our group project “The Day in a Life of…”, we were grouped up with

  • Investigating Osmosis in Potato Tissue

    815 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigating Osmosis in Potato Tissue Aim To estimate the concentration of sucrose in potato tissue. Hypothesis ========== I believe that the potato tissue that has been in the hypotonic (0.1M sucrose) solution will be more turgid than before, while the tissue in the isotonic (0.3M sucrose) will be similar to its previous state. The tissue that has been in the hypertonic (0.5M sucrose) should be far more placid than it was before. This is because of osmosis - water diffusing

  • Final Reflection In Communication

    898 Words  | 2 Pages

    Recalling back the experience during the processes of completing the Speech to Imform, Speech to Persuade, and Group Presentation, I will draw a conclusion about this course and these three presentations in five aspects, comprising my previous perception of public speaking before this course; learning from the Speech to Inform; the goal and evaluation of Speech to Persuade; learning from the Group Presentation; the most important thing learned from this course. Before this course. I had learned some public

  • Jikani Reflection

    621 Words  | 2 Pages

    presentation makes me nervous, as a group of 6 students this is our task, we selected Jikani's story, case scenario two this is most appropriate for everyone, we selected a case scenario that involved a family who is from South Sudan and is now been accepted as a refugee in Australia. As a group we were allocated a series of questions, which we had to format into a group oral presentation. As a group, we meet at the university campus library. We communicated as a group through Facebook messenger, as well

  • My Group Worksheet

    508 Words  | 2 Pages

    My group was composed with Cynthia Perez, Luisa Diaz, Karrah Lyday, and I. At first, we could not come up an idea that would benefit the university community until someone in the group mention the parking lot situation every student and faculty member faces in the morning. We did not have a plan at first, but our goal was to finish the question from the worksheet in which Cynthia took over by writing down all the answers. In my opinion, I feel that I did contribute within the group because I helped

  • Classroom Observation

    681 Words  | 2 Pages

    The first activity was made for the students to decipher what shapes or objects have round edges. The objects included were sphere, cube, rectangular prism, cone, square based pyramid, and cylinder. The students were asked to make two groups of round and not round. The students were allowed to pick up and touch the pieces to get a better understanding of what the objects feel like. After the students had a clear understanding of what objects were round. I gave them objects from the classroom to

  • Story-Based Learning Research Paper

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    The purpose of this paper to is reflect back on the Story Based Learning (SBL) group project. I will discuss the use of my strong relational practice still that lead to the development of group round rules that allowed us to communicate with each other. I will discuss how the challenges our group faced as: ineffective communication and one of our group member lack of preparedness. I will give you my personal feelings about the SBL assignment and our presentation. Next I reflect on the peer feed

  • Team Teaching Demonstration Reflection: Second Industrial Revolution

    611 Words  | 2 Pages

    Team Teaching Demonstration Reflection For the team teaching demonstration, Stuart Parfrey and I did a lesson covering the Second Industrial Revolution, an assembly line Lego activity, and a short quiz. We developed the presentation over a google doc PowerPoint; we put the content together, picked the videos, and what type of activity and assessment. We divided the creation of the lesson’s activity and assessment; I took the activity and Stuart developed the 10 question quiz. We met outside of

  • People To Conform

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    change when they are placed within a group environment. This essay will demonstrate that there is a tendency for people to conform to the “code of conduct” that is acceptable within the group but may not necessarily reflect how they would conduct themselves as an individual. A group is “any number of people who interact with one another, are psychologically aware of one another, and perceive themselves to be in a group” Schein (1988) (p. 145). In my opinion groups establish behaviours that each member

  • Group Research Project Reflection

    643 Words  | 2 Pages

    Group Research Project Reflection Essay Having more than one mind working on a project will improve the quality of the project because although some members of the group may miss an error or not think of an idea, another group member might catch the idea or error and fix the issue. Working in a group for the research project was a great learning experience and it definitely helped the project get done faster, have less errors, and it taught me about collaboration with others. One thing working

  • Reflective Essay On Group Presentation

    959 Words  | 2 Pages

    I will reflect upon my experience of delivering a group presentation and examine the knowledge I have gained from preparing the presentation and the feedback received once the presentation was delivered. I struggled with the presentation from the day it was issued, not the academic side but the aspect of standing up and presenting it in front of the class. I tend to build these scenarios up so much in my head that I make myself more anxious. This is something I have always struggled with, upon

  • Critical Reflection On Group Analysis

    1200 Words  | 3 Pages

    worked on a group assignment before and was distrustful about my grade on the assignment is not only dependent on my contribution, but also the contribution of others. At first, I thought that any lack of effort and poor quality of work that may potentially be done by my peers could negatively impact my mark. This was due to myself being quite introverted, preferring to work on my own, as I do not have to rely on and collaborate with others. However, following the completion of the group assessment

  • Red Group Reflection Paper

    913 Words  | 2 Pages

    Our group has worked together pretty well during the entirety of the semester. We are fortunate to have the ability to work well together and compromise, without arguing. The red group is always open for new ideas and ways that we can improve. Emily has definitely been our leader through the whole project, however we all took on different leadership styles. Emily has been a democratic leader from day one, she takes charge but she let’s us do our own thing. She’s done a great job at keeping us on