Should Shorter School Days Be Shorted?

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Imagine sitting in school for another two hours, there's no time for after school activities anymore and it's already six o’clock in the afternoon. Many schools are on the verge of going with a shorter day and this is just what students have always wanted. This is not just because students don't want to go to school, its because schools are disregarding the fact that almost all students are not getting enough sleep. Also schools ignore how students might not be able to complete homework and get to an activity. Many students have to choose between homework and their activity or club. Most schools have a tight budget and can’t afford to pay every teacher in the building without cutting some time out of school. School hours should be shortened …show more content…

In the article ‘Shorter School Days’ it says that by the end of high school students are getting only a few hours of sleep (Montgomery 1). Scientists have proven this to be true yet nobody had done anything and fail to understand how tired the majority of the students in high school and middle school really are. Also, many teachers are very tired all day because they stay up extremely late grading papers and getting things done on time. All of this is because school starts really early and gets out relatively late. Another thing from the article ‘Shorter School Days’ “Most people think that kids should stop complaining, but don't realize that sleep is most important in your teen years”(Montgomery 1). This is one thing that is staggering because this has also be scientifically proven but people think of the lack of sleep as an excuse or a complaint. The majority of the people say that it was their choice not to go to bed at a reasonable time, but many students that can’t help that because of a sport they play. Lastly in the article ‘Shorter School Days’ it talks about how little amounts of sleep can cause things such as violence, depression, and alcohol abuse. The reason most teens drink under aged is probably because of the amount of sleep their not getting. Also the amount of violence in schools could be lowered by having shorter school days. Schools need to consider the fact that most …show more content…

It is said that cutting time out of the school day will not affect the education level at all (Brooklyn 1). This is true because the 2:30 dismissal on most Wednesday does not hurt anyone's education level and it does not result in rushing. The 2:30 release is very convenient because at that time it gives most students a decent amount of time to finish homework. Another thing that is helpful is how electives such as shop, FACS, and more is fun, but it might not help everyone in the long run. These classes take up at least an hour of the school day which is time that could have been used in math, english language arts, and other needed classes. According to the Francis Howell requirements it has ELA, math, social studies, and science as the main classes needed. This is huge because a ton of people don't realize that students can take an out of school class for most of the electives at school. Also may students want to take a foreign language in high school, but it's really just a waste of school hours. this is because it won't be used later in life unless one of the students plans on living out of their country. In the article ‘Shorter School Hours’ it said that if school was shorter it would focus on a lot less classes that it is now (Brooklyn 1). Less classes a day would only be an advantage because by the time seven hours are done students are impatient and are not motivated to go home and do more

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