Kids Should Have School Hours Essay

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I think the school day is fine as it is, school board members should not add another hour. Another hour would take away time for children to do things outside of school. Some kids get tired on eight hour school days so another hour might be worse. Kids already have troubles paying attention for eight hours, so they probably would have more trouble for nine hours. Another hour would take time away for children to do things outside of school. Extracurricular activities are very important to some families and kids, so there would be less time for sports. The final bell rings now at 3:19 so an hour longer it would ring at 4:19. Most kids also ride the bus and some kids would get home later around 4:30 to 5 o’clock. During winter days the days …show more content…

We have school eight hours five days a week, that is forty hours. If it was nine hours five days a week it would be forty-five hours. Might be better to lose Friday if you added another hour. Some kids do not like being in a class for forty- five minutes, so if a class got longer they would probably not pay attention and sleep. Kids already have troubles paying attention for eight hours, so they would have more trouble in nine hours. The teacher might have to stop because of the student. With the teacher having to stop could take away time to learn for other students too. I know some kids in my class can not even pay attention for forty-five minutes. Not paying attention causes teachers to get mad and some students to get mad because they can not learn.
There are some good reasons for adding an hour. Some kids could get more help in a class if they were struggling or needed something explained better. You could have more time to ask questions. More educated students could also have a better chance in the future for college. You could have longer in class and more hours and day, which might mean more breaks and shorter weeks. I mean if that happened I would be ok with

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