Romeo And Juliet Who Is To Blame

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After a calamity, who is to blame? When so many lives have been silenced, would it still be easy to answer? At times, more than one person is responsible, in this case it’s the person least anticipated. Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare, moves past the idea of true love and into a deeper interpretation of who is responsible for the deaths of the “ star-crossed lovers”. With that in mind, the character most responsible for their deaths is Romeo because he is reckless and impatient.

Most people think Romeo is just another victim, and that Lord Capulet is the culprit of Romeo and Juliet’s death but they are wrong. Although Lord Capulet coercion Juliet, he made that decision from love, not leading Romeo and Juliet’s death. Romeo is to blame because he “mean well in going to this masque” (1.4.50) conscious of it being a Capulet …show more content…

Once aware of Juliet’s death, Romeo immediately ask “... hire post-horses. I will hence tonight” (5.1.27) not knowing what caused her death. The first questions Romeo should have asked was who was responsible or how she died. Instead he rushed to her himself, says his final goodbyes, and kills himself as Juliet wakes up a few moment later. In fact, Romeo’s impatient behavior is the reason for Romeo and Juliet’s death.

Through Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare displays Romeo’s impatient and reckless course of action to cause of Romeo and Juliet’s death. Romeo’s querulous behavior causes him to briskly marry Juliet without think about the aftermath of his actions. Romeo also exhibits recklessness when he kills tybalt causing panic within both families resulting in his banishment. In the end, Romeo’s good intentions could only get him so far, in the end he was the main reason for their deaths; Romeo and Juliet reminds us that love does not always get a happy

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