Mercutio Responsible For The Deaths In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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While reading Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet” it is easy to see that everybody in the story is at fault for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Personally however, I believe that three of the main characters are more at fault then the other characters. First is Mercutio, Romeo’s best friend. Next is Benvolio, nephew of Lord Montague and Romeo’s other friend. Last is Friar Lawrence, Romeo and Juliet Franciscan Priest. In a story of unorthodox love, family feuding, and violence, many are at blame for the deaths. One of the people I think is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death is Mercutio. Mercutio had evoked a fight with his enemy Tybalt.During the fight, Mercutio was killed by Tybalt and Mercutio put a curse on both of their families. In Act 1 Scene 1 lines 228-229 Benvolio tells Romeo “By giving liberty unto thine eyes.Examine other beauties.” This is Benvolio tells Romeo that he isn’t in a commitment any more so he can look at other women. I personally think he should have left Romeo alone and let him work through his emotions for a little longer, because it takes more than a day to get over someone. Then, at the Capulet party, Romeo experiences love at first sight when he sees Juliet, the enemy.Benvolio had encouraged Romeo to go to the party at the Capulets houses, through challenging his saying that Romeo could find someone better than Rosaline at the party. Since it was a Capulet house, Romeo was not supposed to be there. If Romeo had not gone to the party, he would have never met The marriage eventually let to the setting up Juliet's fake death.There was also Benvolio who took Romeo to the party to meet women even though he had just broken up with someone. Lastly, there is Mercutio who caused Romeo banishment by dying in a fight. If none of these problems had occured, then Romeo and Juliet could have had a happy marriage...eventually. Shakespeare doesn't idealize Romeo and Juliet. He is careful to remind us that their love is destructive partly because it fails to see life as it really is. Romeo and Juliet do not act with caution, patience, or wisdom. They act on impulse and in haste--and they get bad advice. Answer the following questions for this argument: a. What should Romeo and Juliet have done, instead of what they actually did, at two or more points in the play? b. Could Romeo and Juliet have triumphed--if they'd had good advice? c. Would Mercutio have helped them had he

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