Responsibility for Romeo and Juliet's Deaths

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Responsibility for Romeo and Juliet's Deaths

There is much controversy to who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo

and Juliet, a number of things and people could be held responsible

for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. But who is responsible for their

deaths? Even before the play begins the grudge between the Capulet and

Montague families has begun. Because of this, it becomes imminent that

one thing or event will start off a sequence of incidents that will

end in tragedy.

The on-going feud between the Montague and Capulet families could be

held responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, because if their

was no feud between these families then Romeo and Juliet would have

been able to have a safe normal relationship in which their family

would have agreed to. The feud meant that they had to keep their

relationship under wraps and tip-toe around their families. The

ancient grudge between the two families meant that if one member of

either family found out about Romeo and Juliet then they would be


‘If they do see thee, they will murder thee.’

The family feud between the Montague and Capulet families could also

be held responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because they

both grew up with people dieing within the families because of the

grudge. For instance Mercutio and Tybalt, Mercutio was a very loyal

friend of Romeo’s and Tybalt was Juliet’s cousin. The deaths of these

characters meant that Romeo and Juliet were both distressed and

unhappy, and thus could have given more reason to their own deaths,

‘ A’ Thursday let it be, a’ Thursday, tell her,

She shall be married to this noble earl.

Will yo...

... middle of paper ...

...liet could be blamed for their

own deaths is that Juliet shouldn’t have deceived and disobeyed her

parents. If she didn’t then she wouldn’t have married Romeo.

Finally the last reason why Romeo and Juliet could be held responsible

for their own deaths could be that they shouldn’t have taken the

potions, both Romeo and Juliet. They both had much more to live for

than just each other,

‘For fear of that I will stay with thee,

And never from this palace of dim night

Depart again. Here, here will I remain’

There are many people and things to blame for the deaths, the parents,

fate, the family feud, Paris, The Nurse, Prince, Friar Lawrence, and

Romeo and Juliet, but each has its own good qualities of why it could

be those people. It is really a personal decision on who is at fault

and how you view the book.

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