Church Case Study Essay

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“Take up your cross, and follow Jesus” the powerful words of the hymn resound in the magnificent walls of a well re-known church in Nairobi's city center. Many of the faithful brethren eagerly bellow the words from the pits of their stomachs. However, how many of these have actually taken up their crosses and and followed Christ? Many believe that going to church every Sunday is enough. No one actually puts in time to read the Bible or pray for themselves. Yet for a relationship with God to grow, one has to put in effort. A case study could be the Daystar community. I was appalled when I went for one of the worship experiences and I found less than thirty students that had sacrificed and had gone before God in prayer. At a totally different …show more content…

According to MacArthur, spiritual growth is matching my position with my practice. He further explains that our actions should be a reflection of our relationship with God. The church is supposed to guide its members into a deeper realization of Christ in all his fullness. Church growth is not measured by the number of people that attend every service, or the number of branches that a given church has it is the content that matter after all, all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord. Sadly, the church in Kenya is yet to realize this as almost everyday an almost ordinary person receives the call to start a church. According to Ndegwa, a columnist with The Standard, Mr Amos Wako the Kenyan attorney general as of 2007 there were at least 60 applications for church registration every month not forgetting the 8,520 churches that are already registered and the 6,740 applications that are still pending. With such high numbers in 2007 alone, one wonders the numbers in existence today. …show more content…

A lot of lies have been spread with every Christian guilty of adding a lie or two; all in the name of trying to spice up the conversation. What is said to someone in confidence will soon turn into the topic of discussion over a cup of tea; and its not that these holier-than-thou Christians will offer any solutions. Other people's struggles are seen as a form of entertainment and in most cases, the rumors are far from the truth. The Bible warns us about gossip and how we should use our words in Ephesians 4:29 'let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers'. The fact that todays church has something negative to say about a situation a church member is going through and their words are never the kind to give counsel. This not only makes people disinterested in the things of God but also there are a lot of things that are hindering Gods word to bear fruit. This makes going to church every Sunday a fruitless venture for the pastor because he is like the sower that planted his seeds in infertile ground. It is a no wonder that the Church is not being looked at as a place to get

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