A Look Inside ALCAN’s Information Technologies

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In this case study, an aluminum company is struggling with its information technology (IT) structure. The position of director for IT had been vacant for a year, and Mr. Ouellette has been selected to lead the position. Ouellette discovered that a lot of information systems (IS) were out of date and projects were not being properly supervised from the top down. Without a clear and organized structure, strong leadership, or accountability any company is sure to fail. Ouellette’s ideas in reorganizing the issues within the ALCON IT infrastructure were vital in saving Alcan money and preventing system failure. In addition, there are some recommendations for how a company can identify the best route for improving hardware configurations. First off, the roles and responsibilities for each supervisor was not clearly defined. For example, one of the supervisors that Ouellette worked with did not understand what was expected of him as a department head. So he took it upon himself to manifest his own duty description in order to justify his position. Roles and responsibilities define what each person does in a company. Kumar (2013) states, “In order to effectively manage your staff and meet company objectives, it is important to provide everyone with a clear definition and understanding of their role, function, and responsibilities in the workplace. Failing to define workplace roles and responsibilities can create tension, mis-communication and inefficiency within your business” (Kumar, 2013, ¶. 3). Structure within an organization is critical and can play a significant role in how people are managed. The second part of this case study worked to the company’s advantage. Ouellette’s intent was for the supervisors to understan... ... middle of paper ... ...an1 Case – Part A2, 3. Retrieved February 18, 2014, from https://cdad.trident.edu/Uploads/Presentations/1039509652010007.pdf Dubé, L., Bernier, C., & Roy, V. (2009). Taking on the Challenge of IT Management in a Global Business Context: The Alcan1 Case – Part B2, 3. Retrieved February 18, 2014, from https://cdad.trident.edu/Uploads/Presentations/1039569652010008.pdf Duggan, T. (n.d.). How to Develop an Organization Structure. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/develop-organization-structure- 4902.html Glomark & Governan. (2008). ITIL Benefits Benchmarks Study Release. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from http://www.glomark-governan.com/images/ ver_2_ITIL_one_pager.pdf Kumar, K. (2013, May 16). Copy of Human Capital Management. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from http://prezi.com/yvvo6i_lwlmj/copy-of-human-capital- management/

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