Personal Statement For A Career In Information Systems Management

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Perfection is not within the realms of possibility, but I always knew if I aim for perfection, I could at least achieve excellence. This is the mantra I have followed in every walk of life. I have always learnt to appreciate everything I have taken up, thoroughly and to the fullest. In this competitive pace of life, I have learnt a lot from my experiences and I am still striving to learn more. I constantly challenged myself in an effort to develop a rational mindset and approach to problem solving.
My interest in Information Systems Management was drawn when I was working on my final year project at Maharashtra Institute of Technology under the able guidance of the head of the Computer Engineering department. Professor R. K. Bedi’s support provided a much needed boost to my confidence in my programming skills. This new found confidence, in conjunction with the organization management skills I had acquired through active participation in extracurricular activities like “Tesla”, in inter college programming fest, made me realize I wanted to pursue a program that had comprised a blend of both the computer science and management disciplines.
In December 2012, I joined Cognizant Technology …show more content…

My interest in the field of information management was triggered when I began developing small projects. As a group, we designed and developed a few mid-term projects in third year of engineering – a banking system portal, a website for my college, and a training and placement office software. I was the lead in developing a hotel management system, which was awarded the “Best Project” prize at the intra college project competition. These projects made

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