Xylitol Essays

  • Xylitol Research Paper

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    his teeth; and I discovered Xylitol. Xylitol is a white substance that tastes like sugar. It is found in various items in nature including hardwood, raspberries, berries, and lettuce-it is truly a natural sweetener. It is often derived from birch. Testing confirms that Xylitol reduces tooth decay in people who are prone to dental cavities, and even in those who are not. Children who chewed the recommended amount

  • Should Students Be Allowed to Chew Gum in School?

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    Should Students Be Allowed to Chew Gum in School? An increasing number of students today are showing more signs of anxiety, stress, and ADHD. A solution to the issue is allowing children to chew gum while in the classroom. Evidence shows that the process of chewing gum increases the blood flow to the brain and heart as well as increases saliva in the mouth, which gives the individual certain advantages. Students should be allowed to chew gum while in the classroom because they demonstrate increased

  • Lignocellulose Essay

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    xylose. Moreover, the yield of xylitol is only 50 % of the raw material used. Low yield and expensive purification procedures are the major disadvantages of xylitol production by chemical means (Nigam and Singh, 1995). In the recent times, considerable effort has been put in exploring alternative strategies and the prospect of xylitol production using microorganisms appears attractive. Yeasts are predominant xylitol-producers, although a few reports mentioned xylitol production by bacteria and fungi

  • Chewing Gum: Lab Experiment

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    Introduction General Introduction Chewing gum is a substance designed to be chewed but not swallowed. It comes in many flavours, sizes and types. Some kinds of chewing gum have a polyol coating. It usually contains sugar but is also available in sugar-free forms. It is manufactured by many companies including Wrigley Company, The Hershey Company and Cadbury Trebor Basset. Chewing gum is made of a mixture of gum bases, sugar and other additional flavourings. These gum bases are essentially synthetic

  • Oral Microbiomes Essay

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    “kills bad breath and bacteria”. Well we were curious as to what chemical compound found inside gum has the capability to kill bacteria. It turns out that one of the key factors for the bacteria killing effect found in chewing gum, is known as Xylitol. Xylitol is a naturally occurring alcohol and is used as a “sugar free” substitute in many chewing gum brands

  • Informative Speech On Erytheritol

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    Erythritol- All you need to know about this natural sugar healthy alternative What if people having sweet tooth can have sugar without adding the calories? Sounds like dieters or people with fitness goals dream right? Well, the sugar alcohol “Erythritol” claims to have everything same as sugar without the side effects. However, is it actually safe and healthy? Let’s analyze and understand erythritol, its benefit, and side effects. Are you a conscious eater? If you are then you likely read the ingredient

  • Bbq Sauce Case Study

    4245 Words  | 9 Pages

    1. Sugar Free BBQ Sauce Great for diabetics, finally…here is a sugar free mouth watering BBQ sauce that will most certainly please even the most opinionated palate. Truthfully speaking, this sauce is one of a kind. If it wasn’t written sugar free on the bottle, you surely wouldn't know that the sauce contains no sugar in the bottle. This sauce is great for diabetics, low carbers and people generally apprehensive about their sugar ingestion. Sugar free BBQ sauce contains an incredibly low glycemic

  • Blue Buffalo Research Paper

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    would he it more often. But one night the dog ended up having a seizure, it was the first seizure he had ever had. At first Tony thought that his dog had, had a seizure because he ate gum that had xylitol but they took him to the vet and he ran blood test and they did not show any sign of having xylitol. The dog ended up having another seizure and so Tony decided to look into the dog food and look to change it. Tony went and talking to a woman that worked at a pet store and she knew more about the

  • What Is Dental Caries?

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    Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, cavities, or caries, is a breakdown of teeth due to activities of bacteria. The cavities may be a number of different colors from yellow to black. A dynamic process characterized by repeated episodes of demineralization and remineralisation occurring over a period of time. If caries are not treated on time may lead to tooth destruction. Risk factors Food rich in carbohydrate Frequent eating of sugary foods eg chocolate, toffees Socio

  • Argumentative Essay On Artificial Sweeteners

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    Artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes have long been the topic of much controversy and hot debates among the consumer. Before tearing open a packet of artificial sweetener or sugar substitute, make sure you understand and learn the facts about these sweeteners. The facts seem to be astonishing, but true nonetheless. Artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes were designed to help substitute for table sugar among diabetics due to the fact that they can’t tolerate normal sugar. The consumption

  • Sensitive Toothpaste Essay

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    BEST SENSITIVE TOOTHPASTE Nowadays, food is no longer just a source of nourishment for the body. Eating and drinking have also become a leisure activity and the center of several social gatherings, but how will you be able to enjoy a meal when your tooth hurts because of sensitive teeth. The aching of your tooth is usually triggered by consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic food, so these foods are a no-no for those with sensitive teeth. However, if you want to eat and drink whatever you wish without

  • History Of Gum Essay

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    what brand of gum last the longest? The purpose of my project is to see which brand of gum lasts the longest out of six different brands that I have chosen. I was interested in this project after I noticed that some gums flavor lasted longer than other when I would chew them. Where did gum come from. Believe it or not people have been chewing on the natural form of gum for thousands of years. The most common form of gum that people chewed on was tree resin lumps, but sweet grasses, grains

  • Sugar Informative Speech

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    Interesting facts about sugar For starters, it is common knowledge that sugar contributes to fat, and that is the primary reason why most overweight people are advised to stay away or reduce their sugar consumption. Sugar is not necessarily evil as some dieting enthusiasts have put it because it is a carbohydrate that can be used as energy by your body. However, too much of it in the body might lead to insulin resistance resulting in diabetes, a condition that may ultimately open up the body to a

  • Benefits Of Chocolate Parfaits

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    Chocolate Parfaits Serves 4/ Prep time: 20 minutes Parfaits are happy; they look charming and whimsical, especially if you layer them perfectly in real parfait glasses. You can put as many layers as you like, as long as the chocolate and whipped cream do not mix and ruin the effect. If you crave a chocolate mousse presentation instead, fold the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture until it is completely incorporated. Under 30 Minutes, Make Ahead 1 avocado, peeled and pitted ¼ cup cocoa powder

  • How Does Glucose Affect The Loss Of Sugar In Our Diet?

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    If we minimize our sugar intake and paid attention towards the nutrition facts and the ingredients that are put in our foods, we would live a healthier life. Sugar in our diet is also called carbohydrate composed of fructose and glucose. Glucose and Fructose are mainly in all sweeteners. We need to pay attention to the hidden sugars on the ingredients label; there could be extra sweeteners after “sugar” on the ingredients label, Ex. Corn syrup, Molasses. Sugar causes cancer cells to grow tooth

  • The Maze Of Corn Essay

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    Words like dextrose, maltodextrin, maltose, malititol, xylitol, polydextrose and hydrolyzed vegetable protein can all be derived from corn, not to mention the more obvious things like high fructose corn syrup and corn oil’ This can be loosely termed as ‘non-food corn’. The High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a

  • Toothpaste Case Study

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    preserves the beauty and health of the human teeth. Used to promote oral hygiene, it serves as an abrasive for dental plaque and food residue affixed to teeth, assists in extinguishing halitosis, and delivers active components such as fluoride or xylitol to treat in the avoidance and gum diseases such as gingivitis. BACKGROUND HISTORY Before the development of the first actual toothpaste in 1780 which was made from burnt bread formula, people were already in the practice of oral hygiene such as

  • Alzheimer's Research Paper

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the United States approximately 5.1 million Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is a condition where the person who is affected suffers from deterioration of the brain, which causes memory loss. People living with Alzheimer’s do not remember or recall any memories from their past, and as the disease progresses they will not know how to walk, talk, or eat. By knowing what Alzheimer is, one can understand how to stall further development of the disease. The most common

  • Battered Dogs: Not Acceptable For Their Owners

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    Dogs, unfortunately, are one of the most mistreated animals. Some dogs may even be uncared for without the owner realizing that they’re brutalizing them, simple mistakes by the owner can make a dog's whole personality change. To have a nice and healthy dog the owner needs to take care of their dog, such as providing it with the right environment, giving it the right food, and controlling your temper around your fuzzy friend. Everyone knows that once in awhile, dogs do a deed that’s not acceptable

  • Uses Of Homemade Peppermint Tooth Powders And Tooth Powder

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    Homemade toothpowder - How to make tooth powder at home - remains at home Tuthpauder - how to create home Tuthpauder your oral cavity as well as they can (oral cavity) this way you can clean up the inside of their mouths may block harmful chemicals, so from now on home made tooth powder. The toothpaste we buy them from the shops mostly Artificial colors, chemical, sweetener (detergent) and the detergent is living at home with natural materials such as some natural tooth powder tooth powder Bnaa