Whole tone scale Essays

  • Musical Modernism with Claude Debussy, Igor Stravinsky and Arnold Schoenberg

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    World War- composers and artists started to find, create more and new ways to express themselves. They eagerly began to discover the art of Eastern countries with the hope of finding new ways of expression. The changes in tonality, irregular rhythms, tone clusters, distressed and antagonistic melodies, the expressionist, abstract, unusual ideas over powers the music, the traditional structures recreated or composed with unusual techniques and music gains Non-Western elements. Therefore 20th Century

  • Main Items of Change in Bartok's Concerto

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    He uses scales other than major and minor, and there is extreme chromaticism and virtuoso handling of a wide range of instruments, with specific and direct instructions for the playing of those instruments. In the first movement, the wedge figure which appears frequently is very chromatic. The Serbo-Croat melody in bar 76 is based on the germinal motive: F, G, Aflat, Bflat, Bnatural, C. The F – Bnatural of which is based on the octatonic scale made up of alternating tones and semitones

  • Claude-Achille Debussy

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    protestations and fellow peers’ critiques, he experimented with different sounds in music. When listening to Debussy’s music, one can clearly tell that it belongs to Debussy because of his use of different harmonies, rhythms, the pentatonic and whole tone scale, and his instrumentation. Claude Debussy was born in Saint Germain en Laye, France on August 22nd, 1862 the oldest of five children. His father, Manuel-Achille Debussy, had dreams for his son to be a sailor. Those dreams were dashed aside when

  • Sounds and Music in Film

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    as food and water. The most important aspect of sound is the ability to convey emotions. One sentence could generate two different emotions if it is said in different tone level. Ron Hubbard charted out the emotional tone scale, which shows human’s emotion at different tone range. It is described in his book "Science of Survival". Tone is simply one amongst several reasons why sound is essential, life in general, film and TV in particular. Actor and actress want to convey or generate as much emotions

  • Harmony of the Spheres

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    emitted by the planets, which is exposed in the “Myth of Er” in The Republic. It talks about a man who died and came back to life who narrates how he saw the space and how, in every “sphere,” there was a being singing constantly, each one in a different tone, so a perfect harmony was built. Nevertheless, not everyone agreed with this theory, being one of its most important critics Aristotle, who claimed that Plato’s arguments where false in his text On the Heavens. He acknowledges that it is a creative

  • Melody: Musical Line

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    Melody: Musical Line. Melody is the element of music that appeals most directly to the listener. It is a succession of single pitches that we perceive as a recognizable whole. Melody can go up and down. Between these ups and downs we find the range. This distance between lowest and highest notes is called range. Range can be measured in numbers of notes (narrow, medium, or wide). At the same time we can find the contour, which is the overall shape of a melody as it turns upward, downward, or remains

  • An Analysis Of On Wenlock Edge With The First Movement Of Ravel's String Quartet

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    16. Bar 16 ends with a C major chord (dominant of F major), and after this, we hear the use of the whole tone scale, similar to during the opening bars of ‘On Wenlock Edge’. Later on, we hear Ravel use chromatic progressions in the cello line, whilst remaining on vii13 (E minor), for 3 bars. Ravel uses the dominant of the minor key as a pedal point, and we hear, in bar 31, his use of 8 tone scales. This is a common occurrence in the movement, along with the axis system (i.e. the idea of having a

  • The Importance Of Impressionism In The Art Of Claude Debussy

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    with an initial dynamic building, the whole tension of the ascension suggests the rising of the sun. The composition gives a calm, ethereal tone with flowing style. Light and airy like floating on a calm sea. The music ends with a majestic buildup and resolution, which evokes an image of the vast sea with the afternoon sun shining down. In comparison to Monet’s painting, Arm of the Seine near Giverny, the depictions of the still water reflects calm and blissful tone of the main section of the movement

  • Do-Re-Mi with Drinking Straws

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    It is the measured difference between the highest parts or the lowest parts. When you combine tones that are an octave apart, the sound waves interfere. A trough will cancel out a peak of the same magnitude. There are two words that are used to define a good combination of tones and a bad combination of tones. “Consonant” is used to describe a pleasant-sounding interference pattern (combination of tones), and “dissonant” is used to ... ... middle of paper ... ...heir straw oboes together to form

  • How Has Music Changed Over Time

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    Throughout the 20th Century, music has been defined by the dramatic innovation development of advanced technology for recording and distributing music. Forms and styles of music have also radically progressed. These days, due to the highly developed technology, artists are no longer restricted to live performances and are able to rapidly become known world-wide. During the 20th Century, many new forms and styles of music have been created which have breached the boundaries and rules of music from

  • Sahst Du Nach Dem Gewitterregen Essay

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    Mackenzie Newton 4/28/17 MUT 4571 Sahst du nach dem Gewitterregen Alban Berg’s Sahst du nach dem Gewitterregen (“Did you see, after the summer rain”), is the second piece from Funf-Orchester der Lieder (Five orchestral songs). Five Orchestral Songs Op.4 also known as Altenberg Lieder, was written for medium voice and orchestra. It strays away from traditional lieder, which caused a riot at its first performance because of it being so contrastive. It is Bergs first orchestral work. Berg studied

  • “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”: How changes in the Declaration of independence influenced the document as a whole

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    final draft. The first, unedited Declaration was changed quite a lot to become the one we know today, and though most of the changes were small-scale, a word here or a phrase there, they were very influential on the tone and meaning of the document as a whole. Small and medium scale changes in the edited Declaration of Independence changed both the large-scale rhetorical and argumentative structure of the document. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the

  • Music and Math

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    air which, in this experiment, came from the hammer. The vibrations are a set of frequencies measured in units of Hertz (Hz). The faster the vibration frequency, the higher the sound will be in pitch. Pythagoras’s 2:1 ratio simply means that both tones are the same however the second tone’s frequency rate is doubled. For example, the blacksmith strike... ... middle of paper ... ... how the melody is organized. In bars one and three there are four quarter notes. Since a quarter gets one beat

  • Critical Appreciation Of Beethoven Symphony 5

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    orchestra joins the melody by following the tone of the piano. The melody is repeated with the woodwind family and string family. The middle section has a different melody. The melody is more sharp, and it's becoming more crescendo and forte. Then it goes back to the beginning of the melody but with a little more cellos playing.

  • I Have A Dream Figurative Language Essay

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    by Brian Flood, the author and the artist urges all people to strive for equality for all so everyone can be treated equally. Through figurative language, and syntax by King and placement by Flood, the artist and author convey a hopeful and urgent tone that demonstrates that change must take place for equality to be achieved because without change, nothing will be accomplished. First, figurative language in the text conveys the idea that working as a single unit unites people. For example, when

  • Pythagorean Philosophy and its influence on Musical

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    Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics. New York: Dover Publications Ferrara, Lawrence (1991). Philosophy and the Analysis of Music. New York: Greenwood Press. Johnston, Ian (1989). Measured Tones. New York: IOP Publishing. Rowell, Lewis (1983). Thinking About Music. Amhurst: The University of Massachusetts Press. "Music is the harmonization of opposites, the unification of disparate things, and the conciliation of warring elements...Music is the basis of agreement among things in nature and of the best

  • Greek Literary Devices

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    absorbed and elaborated so many of the original Greek techniques. Although we no longer use letters and symbols to represent pitch and rhythm, the diatonic genus, the other tetra chord forms and certain modal aspects are still present in many of our scales and melodies. This enables us to have a fairly good comprehension of ancient Greek music. 2. Musically speaking, we inherited many things from the Greeks. In a general sense, they established a base for modern rhythm, using specific letters and

  • Harmonic Series In Music

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    a piano string vibrates not just as a whole string but as

  • How It Works: Music Therapy

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    “I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music” (Billy Joel). Although most listeners may not have the same technical experience in music as Billy Joel, it is easy enough to see the effect it has in a person's every day life. Music has the ability to pick us up when we are down, carry you back in time to a cherished memory, and transform silence into a symphony that can move

  • Reflective Essay: What I Learned In My Writing Class

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    I assumed my writing was not as good as it should be. Now, I earned a 6, almost 7, on the 9 point scale and am beginning to feel more confident. I do feel that I have been appropriately challenge this semester. I did not find any of the assignments to be too easy. I have definitely felt challenged this year, I have learned multiple techniques that I never knew prior to taking this class. As a whole, I am happy with the experiences I was provided in this class. The last essay I wrote, I was given