White Australia policy Essays

  • White Australia Policy

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    the neighbouring Asian countries; however the most important stage would have to be when Australia had the abolishment of the white Australia policy. However even now despite being located within the

  • The White Australia Policy

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    passage of the controversial White Australia Policy is significant. It may be difficult to understand and interpret all the implications of the Australian public’s concerns in the fifty years before leading to its passage, however a look into the historical events and the language used at the time is a crucial step. This paper chronicles the sequence of events between the arrivals of the first Chinese indentured laborers in the 1840s to the passage of the White Australia Policy in 1901, using a critical

  • White Australia Policy

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    The White Australia policy consisted of both official and unofficial discrimination in Australian history which created bias to favour white European migrants over other races. The origins of the policy can be traced back to mid 19th century but it wasn't until 1901 that the Immigration Restriction Act was passed by the Federal; Government as their first act. The new law created a strict control on who could immigrate to Australia and it was required that any person who identified as a 'prohibited

  • White Australia Policy Negative Effects

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    The establishment of the White Australia Policy (1901) was based on racist ideologies and was maintained until World War Two (WWII) revealed Australia’s vulnerabilities and forced this discriminatory policy to evolve. Australian federation (1901) initiated The White Australia Policy and the Whitlam government in 1973 terminated the White Australia Policy. The White Australia Policy refers to a set of policies designed to restrict the influx of ethnic immigration. Racist attitudes spread through propaganda

  • White Australia Policy In The 1850's

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    The white Australia policy began in the 1850’s in attempt to create a one-race country, Letting Chinese and Pacific Island foreigners was good at the time but it came back around to bite them in the bum. The white Australia policy all began when Australia’s British Prisoners were rapidly declining and therefore Australians were forced to import the labor needed to work in its mines. So instead of importing from Europe they began to import from countries like China and the Pacific Islands. Australians

  • Australia: Immigration Restiction Act aka White Australia Policy

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    Act aka White Australia policy’, are not dead, not just yet anyway. I will briefly outline some of the tensions in the community which led to the implementation of this policy in 1901. I will also investigate how the media of the day helped this policy along. I will then go on to explain how this policy, which was enacted to stop non Europeans entering Australia, effected the Indigenous population throughout the life of said policy. I will then go on to see if some points from this policy are being

  • Explain The Arguments Against The White Australia Policy

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    were significantly racist towards, mainly, anyone who didn’t have white skin. Dear editor, I believe that the White Australia Policy is incredibly reflected in racism, discrimination, and exclusion towards non-Europeans. In fact, the early 1900s displayed the irrational fear that nonwhite immigrants are ultimately immature and racist, this was displayed through the Attorney-General Alfred Deakin. Deakin believed that the non-white Australians were ‘alien’ and this was simply unfair. Thus, I write

  • Australian Immigration Law

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    Australian Immigration Law Australia is similar to America in many ways. They are both industrialized nations, they were both settled by the British, and they both have multi-ethnic societies. However, the two countries have vastly different immigration laws. In America, we will let almost anyone move here and work. An American immigrant can be from (almost) any country, race, or religion. Australia on the other hand, has had a much stricter policy determining who can move to their country

  • Chinese Immigration to Australia During the Gold Rush

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    Chinese Immigration to Australia During the Gold Rush Following the success of the American Gold rush, the Australian Gold rush attracted many migrants from all over the globe. The Chinese prospectors were perhaps the most controversial and the most interesting nationality to come to the goldfields Assistance given on arrival There was more or less no assistance of any kind given to the Chinese migrants, as immigration was rather a haphazard affair in the 19th century (especially to

  • Australian Immigration: Is Immigration Good or Bad?

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    regards to trade, education and investment. Unlike many other countries, Australia has a no discrimination policy against different religions. As we have many different ethnic groups some Immigrants from specific areas of the world can bring investments and business opportunities to Australia. Countries like Asia and China have bought many imported goods and services to our economy by migrating their Cars and Motorbikes into Australia. The ongoing r...

  • Australian Immigration Policy

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    Australia is known globally as a multicultural nation, however Australia’s government has gone through a lot of changes in its policies to be where it is today as a nation. World events and global catastrophes have shaped these policies that had been implemented in both positive and negative ways. 1945 was the year in Australia’s history that migration started to become a prominent part of politics and how Australia was as a nation. Some well-known policies that were introduced were The White Australia

  • Negative Effects Of White Australia

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    The ‘White Australia Policy’ was first put in place by the federal government in 1901. The overall aim of the policy was to limit non-white immigration, especially Asians. At the time, 98% of Australia’s population were white; Australia wanted to maintain this number, and aim to have the country mainly consist of British people. With most of the country already white, the majority of Australians supported the policy when it was first introduced; this is because the white Australians were concerned

  • Multiculturalism In Australia Essay

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    There can be no gainsaying, as to the fact that Australia is not only a choice destination for many, but also houses some of the most beautiful cities in the world (Bastian, 2012). As a matter of fact, Bastian (2012) continues to state that this change is strongly attributed to immigration, which continues to foster strong cultural and economic growth in Australia. As Australia continues to open its borders to an increasingly diverse population, Australians themselves continue to open their minds

  • Blackbirding In Australia

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    through the use of deception and bribery, especially the inhabitants from the South Pacific Islands, and then transporting them to the sugar cane and cotton plantations, particularly in Queensland, Australia, to work as labourers. This practice was not limited to the blackbirding in Queensland, Australia, and had already occurred on the Chincha Islands in Peru. This dreadful practice occurred predominantly between the 1860’s and 1904. The term “Blackbirding” may have been established directly as a

  • Australian Government Policy

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    Australian Government Policy The first English settlement in Australia was established in 1788. Before this the Aborigines lived in the land in harmony. However, after the English arrived, the two different cultures were in close contact and had to determine how to coexist. White Europeans did not respect the Aborigines’ right to the land and it’s resources. With brutal force, they took control of the land and claimed it as their own. Australians then developed their own policies on how to deal with

  • Injustice In Australia Essay

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    surrounds us. Australia is a country that has been plagued by injustice since the day our British ancestors first set foot on Australian soil and claimed the land as theirs. We’ve killed off many of the Indigenous Aboriginal people, and also took Aboriginal children away from their families; this is known as the stolen generation. On the day Australia became a federation in 1901, the first Prime Minister of Australia, Edmund Barton, created the White Australia Policy. This only let people of white skin colour

  • Chinese Immigrants To Australia

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    to move to Australia as gold miners. However, Australian did not accept Chinese in their community. One of the most efficient methods for reducing Chinese immigrant was introducing new policy called ‘White Australian Policy’ in 1949. Kamp (2013) stated that this policy restricted Asian immigrants to migrate to Australia and established racism ideologies. According to Gao (2011), in the next three decades around 1972, after Whitlam government has been elected, this ‘White Australian Policy’ was abolished

  • Essay On Refugee Refugees

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    major concern in Australia and the immigration policies have caused a number of debates and controversy since World War II. The change of these policies revealed society 's attitudes toward race, cultural factors, labor needs. During the post World War 2, the White Australia Policy was a significant factor influenced the immigration policies ; the Act prevented the non-Europe and non-White immigrating to Australia. In the 1970s, the Whitlam government abolished the "White Australia Policy and launched

  • Difference Between Refugees And Refugees

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    A preamble – including the definitions of ‘refugee’ and ‘asylum seeker’ in relation to Australian immigration policy Refugees and Asylum seekers are similar but not the same; a Refugee is “someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their own country because of a well founded fear of being persecuted because of their race, religion, opinion or membership of a certain social group”. Asylum seekers are people who have just claimed that they are a refugee; they must have their claims processed

  • The Lucky Country Analysis

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    2008 Kevin Rudd the Prime Minister of Australia, motioned an apology to Australia’s Indigenous people. In particular, he highlighted mistreatment of those who were Stolen Generations - the blemished chapter in our nation’s history. His aim was for the nation to turn a new page in Australia’s history by righting the wrong-doings of the past, so we could confidently move forward to the future. Tenyka Chapman writes. Are we in denial about the reality of Australia and exactly how we wrested the Lucky