The Lucky Country Analysis

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Mythology of The Lucky Country

On the 13th of February, 2008 Kevin Rudd the Prime Minister of Australia, motioned an apology to Australia’s Indigenous people. In particular, he highlighted mistreatment of those who were Stolen Generations - the blemished chapter in our nation’s history. His aim was for the nation to turn a new page in Australia’s history by righting the wrong-doings of the past, so we could confidently move forward to the future. Tenyka Chapman writes. Are we in denial about the reality of Australia and exactly how we wrested the Lucky Country away from its traditional owners? Let’s look at the Assimilation policy regarding “The Stolen Generation” that was implemented, and consisted of the removal of indigenous children from their families. This represents the attitudes Australians had towards Indigenous people based on the assumption of black people inferiority and white superiority. How Indigenous children who were taken from their parents were forced to adopt and learn white culture and reject their original and traditional values and language. ("Apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples |", 2018) The White Australian Policy, also known as the Immigration Restriction Act was a legislation that effectively stopped all Non-European immigration into the country. Due to violence, protests, strikes, marches …show more content…

“Custom is replaced by policy/ So big and powerfully round/ No equal rights for this nation/ The Quality of life goes down.” In 2008, the Australian government made a formal commitment to address Indigenous disadvantage in Australia, known as “Closing the Gap”, which refers to health and life-expectations, inequality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and employment. However, some might say this is too little too

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