Warming up Essays

  • Reaching For Dreams - A Ballet

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    drawn out diary. Amazingly this book was difficult for me to put down because I became so enthralled by the process of putting on a ballet. At the beginning of this book the author describes the dancers coming in on a rainy Monday morning to begin warm-ups and rehearsal. This of course is the beginning of their voyage to opening night. The dancers taking part in this production were from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. The ballet that they plan to perform in seven weeks is called “Speeds.” The

  • Narrative Essay On Softball

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    There were many emotions going through my mind for this game. I was nervous, excited, happy, and upset, all because this was going to be my last softball game to play on this field! While on my way to the softball field to warm up, I realized I felt like I was going to throw up, because of how nervous

  • My Experience In Public Speaking

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    needed to work on, but I feel more comfortable with it now going forward. My posture, breath, eye contact, and hand movements benefited. The exercise where each person had to stand in front of the class and look into everyone 's eyes helped me stand up straighter, and it corrected my posture. I never realized how much I was slouching, especially in my neck area. By being aware of how to stand properly early on, I was able to carry out what I had learned throughout the semester. I saw the importance

  • Risks Involved in the Game of Netball

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    take part with the right attitude. Netball is a fast, exiting team sport. It is played in many countries throughout the world. It is an easy game to pay, but at a higher level becomes very tactical game that needs great skill. Warm up/Cool down Warming up before playing Netball is vitally important, you need to prepare your body for exercise. You need to stretch thoroughly from your neck down to ankles, as all the muscles off the body may be used throughout the period of the game or training

  • Stretch the Right Way: Dynamic Stretching

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    how should athletes warm up if stretching may actually be the cause of some injuries? Coaches and athletes should perform dynamic stretching rather than static stretching before performing activity or exercise because it reduces chances of injury, increases strength and range of motion, and has been proven to be safer and more efficient than static stretching. One main concern that runs through the mind of an athlete is receiving an injury due to the lack of warming up properly. A pulled muscle

  • Tryouts Narrative

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    would be so much easier if she did. She was exhausted everyday, and her muscles were always sore. Her mom was always telling her she wouldn’t be able to do it in this short amount of time. That made her want to give up even more. But then, James and Sammy were always there to lift her up and convince her to keep going. Those days were better because she felt like she could do it. But could she really? The days of the tryouts came and Alex was super nervous once again. Her friends took her this time

  • Sports Lesson Planning

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    Warm Up The short warm up task will involve running around in a confined space - a circle. The children will run round in a specific direction until something is shouted (For example, a number). Numbers can also be assigned to certain other body movements, for instance, if I shouted "Three!" they would have to jump. The warm up will last about five minutes, so as not to tire them out. Skills and Practice For a practice/skills based activity, an obstacle course would be set up for them

  • Personal Narrative: All It Took Was Effort

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    black nets come down from the ceiling and latch onto the ground, separating one court from another. All the noises are blocked out, except the noise from the pounding of my own heart, sounding like a drum, beating rhythmically. I begin to feel shivers up my spine and my Mom seemed to have sensed my nervousness. "No need to be worried, Alyssa. You'll play excellent, just relax", she said with a nice, delicate voice. I take deep breath to regain my focus, and I reply, "Mom, I don't even know these people;

  • Warming Up the Ball Before Playing Squash Ball

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    Warming Up the Ball Before Playing Squash Ball Hypothesis Warming up the squash ball helps it bounce higher. Variables: Type of Surface Height of Drop - Independent variable Temperature of Ball Material of Ball Acceleration Due To Gravity Mass Angle of Surface Air Resistance Diameter of Ball Height of Bounce - Dependant Variable Plan I aim to find out if warming up squash balls before bouncing them affects the height of its bounce. I will need a squash

  • Warming Up and Cooling Down in Physical Education Classes

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    is still one key element that should be executed before stretching; that key element being engaging in a warm up activity. Along with beginning with a warm-up activity, it is important that teachers and coaches have their students end their lesson/practice with a cool-down activity as well. Within this paper, there are many subtopics that will be discussed such as definitions of warm-up/cool-down activities, the various types and benefits of these activities, as well as stretching included with

  • Summary Of Texts In Time: Comparing Frankenstein And Blade Runner

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    The DVD cover for the BBC documentary “Texts in Time: Comparing Frankenstein and Blade Runner” visually represents the central themes shown in Mary Shelley’s 1818 gothic novel, Frankenstein and Ridley Scott’s 1992 Science Fiction film “Blade Runner: The Directors Cut” (hereinafter referred to as “Blade Runner”). The different fonts portray the different times the texts originate from. The font used for Frankenstein symbolises gothic literature – the genre of Frankenstein, this was a popular form

  • Comparing the Opening Sequence of Clueless and Pleasantville

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    and dialogue all help to create the atmosphere that the filmmaker wants. Both ‘Clueless’ and ‘Pleasantville’ have a teenage aspect to them. ‘Clueless’ just seems like a typical American youth film – it has themes of fashion and image, growing up and maturing, and the stock, stereotypical characters you would expect to find in American high schools. ‘Pleasantville’ also appears to be an American youth film, but it also has an aspect of fantasy, because being transported in to the Pleasantville

  • Comparing Coca-Cola 'And It's The Real Thing'

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    In Herbert’s and Seaver’s letters (1970), Herbert writes to Seaver discussing Seaver’s commercial use of the line “It’s the Real Thing” for Mr. Haskin’s book without “consent” from the Coca-Cola company: Seaver’s letter is a reply discussing the misunderstanding for the line. The speaker of both letters utilizes a different approach to explain to each other their justification of Coca-Cola’s ownership for the line and commercial use of it. Herbert’s letter contains a condescending and arrogant tone;

  • Thousand Words

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    she’s been quite lonely without him, other than cross-country. So a few nights before school starts again, Ashleigh partied at her best friend Vonnie’s house, who is known for throwing the biggest and baddest parties. With the music up, and the red solo cups filled up to the rim, everyone there let go and just enjoyed lounging around on the patio deck or the pool. Rachael, one of Vonnie’s friend, who Ashleigh can’t stand, suggests that if Kaleb isn’t going to make it to the party, why not send him

  • American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes

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    he really is, apprehens... ... middle of paper ... ...her perfections and criticisms of others. The camera also focuses on Carolyn as she has a break with reality when faced with failure. The scene, in which she cannot sell a house, has a close up of her abusing herself by screaming, crying and the slapping herself back into her altered reality. Although Carolyn appears to be socially savvy, she is often shot alone struggling to be the success she has created in her mind. “American Beauty” has

  • Hacked

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    pile of dust. It was so unusual seeing squat, dumpy buildings* anymore. The towering skyscrapers near my home were plentiful, and, according to our government, they utilized our available land better. At our council meetings, they always told us "Build up, not out." It made sense too. After all, since the Losing War, many of the previously luxurious cities had been annihilated and the landscape was deemed radioactive. Our arable land had been reduced to half its original size. I leapt over a pile of

  • Gilbert Grape Film Analysis Essay

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    times of distress and panic. One example of this is when Gilbert wakes up with Becky in the field and he realizes he needs to go home and fix the damage that he has done to his family. Another example of this technique is when Mama Grape dies and Arnie finds her. She is shot at an oblique angle, which emulates the distress that Arnie then feels for the loss of his mother. One other varying technique is when he shows Arnie up in the tree. He is shot from below, putting him in somewhat of a power position

  • The End of Chunking Express

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    of California that Faye previously gave him, the camera shows a close up of the map. This close up reveals that the Cop has kept the map thinking about Faye, which makes Faye feel touched and respond to him. The camera takes high angles at the Cop’s perspective and then low angles at Faye’s stand. These shots make audiences view Faye to be shy and cute and focus on Cop’s gaze toward Faye with love. The scene ends with a close up of the audio, which played the theme song, California dreaming, at their

  • Critical Analysis Of Hands Across The Sea

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    Piggie did apologize, but the audience never knew who she was apologizing to, she got interrupted rudely by Clare shushing her and Bogey telling her to shut up because, he was still conversing on the telephone; “PIGGIE: I am so sorry — CLARE: Shhhh! BOGEY: Shut up, I can 't hear —“ (Coward). That kind of manner from both Clare and Bogey is not something that should be done in front of the guests, but to actually say something so rude like that to the home owner

  • Cinema Movement Essay

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    movies 99). This example from our books shows how by changing the angle of the shot it can mean two completely different things. The filmmaker can also use movement to distort the image speeding it up and slowing it down. Adding to the tension or suspense of the scene or for comedic purposes. Speeding up the movements of a character in a comedy makes his movements seem unnatural machine like and unnatural.(understanding movies 129). There are so many ways that movement can be used to add to