Virility Essays

  • Albee and Williams' Use of Virility in Their Plays

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    The sexual dominance of male characters over their female counterparts in the plays establishes their superiority and control. Both playwrights suggest that a degree of personal status is acquired by sexually dominate women. The rape scene shows Stanley’s use of power sexually through rage and strength, used to illustrate his final defeat of Blanche and establish himself as ‘King’ of his territory, ‘limited to expressing basic desire’ . ‘Since earliest manhood… his life has been pleasure with women

  • Masculinity In 'Autumn Of The Patriarch': A Summary

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    It seems that in these instances of death, the assumed strength and virility (ergo, the masculinity) of the Generals served no use in the preservation of their lives. Of the embarrassing deaths mentioned, General Lopez’s evokes a distinct imagery--additionally, it demonstrates how masculinity can serve to one’s detriment

  • Red Sorghum

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    Red Sorghum Claire Huot China’s New Cultural Scene The film Red Sorghum was one of the most popular Fifth Generation films in China and Abroad. As an adolescent American kid, probably the average, I got to see a new perspective of China through this class. I wanted to compare the West’s interpretation with Chinas’. One of the first things I did was compare Chinese cinema to well known American cinema. Zhang Yimou’s first film as director, Red Sorghum was immensely popular at home and abroad. The

  • Prosurx Case Study

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    A new entry into the herpes treatment arena, Prosurx is a topical treatment using nanoparticle technology. We carefully researched this product and were somewhat unsettled by our findings. The Prosurx website claims their product “kills” the herpes virus and can “banish outbreaks with one application”, both claims we found to be misleading, as there is no product that can kill the herpes virus once it is in the human body. The cost is an introductory price of $49.95, regular price is $110.00 for

  • A Feminist Perspective of On the Road and The First Third

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    Much has been written about the Beat generation, especially about the hold its radical freedom has exerted on the American imagination. The Beats who stand out in most of our minds are men and the freedom they enjoyed--a freedom of movement, of creativity, of sexuality--is coded as a particularly male kind of freedom. My paper will suggest that in their autobiographical texts On the Road and The First Third Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady construct a travelling masculinity in an attempt to escape bourgeois

  • Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Honor Quotes

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    ideal, and marianismo, the feminine ideal, are described within Colombian culture. Following the ideals of machismo and marianismo are a clear-cut method for showing honor. A man with “machismo” is characterized by having strength, dominance, and virility. The two characters within Chronicle of a Death Foretold that are the most clear examples of machismo are Bayardo San Román, Angela Vicario’s fiancée, and Santiago Nasar.

  • Masculine Identity in Hardy's Novels

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    Southerington has placed some of Hardy's male characters into one of four categories (although it is important to note that these groupings are permeable, and characters are not confined to any one category): the virile; romantic; realist; and chaste. Though virility in such men as Fitzpiers, Troy, Wildeve, and Alec d'Urberville was believed to be the "keynote to all that is best and most forcible in the masculine character" (according to Grant Allen in the Fortnightly Review, October, 1889), inwardly their egoist

  • Power In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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    Mcmurphy’s sexuality battles against the perceived notion that one must be desexualized when living in a civilized society. Mcmurphy’s blatant virility and his “extraordinary physical presence” (Flick) is further juxtaposed against the sterile ward that is “...a factory for fixing up mistakes made in the neighborhoods and in the schools and in the churches” (Kesey 40). By quelling the sexuality

  • Masculinity In 'What Work Is' By Phillip Levine

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    chooses to go against this and take the role of a house husband, he may be met with repugnance by other men in the community Truly, the need to provide is crippling to the progression of society. Strangely enough, Emotion to a man is a test of virility. Virility meaning an man’s strength and manliness. If a man shows emotion, he is deemed less a man. In the poem narrator of the story is talking about his relationship with his brother. “How long has it been…you loved him” The quote “incapable of crying

  • Analysis Of Radha And Shyam's Marriage

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    Shyam’s idea of marriage is to keep a pretty wife, indulge in her wishful fancies and make her reliant on him. He does not want a confident woman as a wife. Radha and Shyam are mismatched in many ways and she feels suffocated in her marriage. She compares herself to the butterfly she wrapped up and stuck to a board as part of biology assignments in school and feels that her heart aches to fly somewhere departing from her husband. Shyam’s nature symbolizes the typical, Indian governing and trying

  • The Negative Effects Of Porn

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    Pornography is defined as a collection of pictures, writings, videos, or other material that is sexually explicit and sometimes associates sex with power and violence. Porn can have some negative effects on society, even though some people argue that porn is beneficial. I think that watching porn would have a negative impact on my sex life because porn can lead to high expectations, no intimacy, and addiction that leads to negative consequences. The first reason why I agree that watching porn would

  • The Greek Column

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    The Greek Column A French champagne cognac with a Centaur trademark, called Remy Martin, is featured in several magazine advertisements resting on a column in various positions. The one being analyzed in this article shows the bottle of Remy Martin and a pair of glasses placed on top of a column so tall that it reaches above the clouds. It invites the viewer: "Want to come up for a drink sometime?" At the bottom right corner, the Centaur logo is repeated, along with a short description of its

  • Alienation In Macbeth Analysis

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    then you were a man” (1.7.49) when she chides Macbeth and questions his virility after he expresses an unwillingness to go through with her plan to kill Duncan. By shying away from the idea of committing a violent act, he is rejecting the suggested notion that men in the social world of this play are characterized by a proclivity toward violence. This chiastic movement of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth diminishes their respective virility and femininity and, in turn, makes each of them

  • What Is The Theme Of Masculinity In The Hound Of The Baskervilles

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    concern with a successful transition from Christian immaturity to maturity, demonstrated by earnestness, selflessness and integrity; to the late Victorian it stood for neo-Spartan virility as exemplified by stoicism,

  • Examples Of Masculinity In The Sun Also Rises By Robert Cohn

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    degenerate shadow of masculinity, doomed for isolation by society. In the incriminating eyes of people around him, Cohn is a picture-perfect representation of a failure as a man. Through Cohn, Hemingway delineates not only the complications of attaining virility, but also the reveal of another “lost” generation within the Lost Generation:

  • Lady Macbeth's Manipulation

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    the sticking-place” (I, vii, 60) by following her plan, they would not fail. It is apparent that Lady Macbeth constantly overpowers her husband and accuses him for his lack of courage, which is a large factor for his yearning to act to prove his virility to her to give a sense of courage and power. After murdering Duncan, Macbeth is immediately consumed with regret and profound guilt, unlike his wife. The following two quotes show his guilt, that he is “afraid to think what [he] have done” (II, ii

  • The Power Of Clotel: Tragic Moulatto Women

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    Color boundaries define an individual’s position in life. From the antebellum south of the United States to the late 19th century pre-Harlem renaissance, ethnicity has been shown to influence the power and prestige bestowed upon African American men and women. Two tales– Clotel (1853) by William Wells Brown and “Natalie” (1898) by Alice Dunbar-Nelson - exemplify the trials and racism that mulatto women historically contended with through the trope of the tragic mulatta. Clotel upholds the traditional

  • The Purpose of Sexuality in African Carvings

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    people and the sexuality of the supernatural (Marshall Cavendish Corporation 79). The paper will look at how sexuality was used in African carvings to bring in... ... middle of paper ... ...ved with a phallic protrusion on its head to indicate virility and power. The purpose was principally psychological to make an individual feel protected. From the discussion, one realizes that sexuality in African carvings was primarily meant to give reverence to god other than just depicting human sexuality

  • The Miraculous Reishi: Mushroom or Medicine?

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    pretty amazing properties for over two thousand years. "The earliest mention of Ling Chi was in the era of the first emperor of China, Shi-huang of the Ch'in Dynasty (221-207 B.C.)" (Stamets, 355) The Reishi is credited with longevity, increased virility and sexual prowess; the Chinese considered it one of the "Herbs of the Gods". In China it was believed that a tincture of this type of mushroom could bring the dead back to life. Often sold in Chinese medicine shops, commonly in tinctures with Ginseng

  • The Contrapossto Statue In Ancient Greek Art

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    Parenthon. It is seplucated that this statue was made between 400-480 BCE, by the artist Krito a philosopher, teacher and artist. They're many ideas relating to sculptures representation, most historians agree that it may represent the youth and virility of a victor returning from war. Due to the location the statue was found it is safe to assume that Athenians