Virginia Tech campus Essays

  • Essay On Mechanical Engineering

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    visited Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University twice, first time was after I graduated from my high school, my best friend Jake gave me the tour around campus, at that time, he was admitted as a fall freshman that year. I was amazed when I saw this quite town and elegant Randolph hall with department of mechanical engineering in. The Burruss hall filled with art nouveau. I felt peaceful right after I step on campus, and realized that this place was where I want to be. Virginia tech possesses

  • School Shooting Reflection

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    look back on the tragic events in Blacksburg, Virginia on April 16, 2007 when a small college town became famous not for their educational abilities or their sports accomplishments but rather having the deadliest school shooting in the history of the United States when 32 individuals lost their lives to a lone gunman. I will touch on the events that let up to the tragic event as well as describing the actions of individuals, law enforcement, campus workers, and state and government agencies that

  • Should Guns be Allowed on College Campuses?

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    grow up in. However, on a college campus, the pupils attending are not children anymore; the age range is from 17 to mid 20’s. Therefore they understand the consequences associated to the use of weapons and have gained more maturity. In April 16th, 2007, at Blacksburg, Virginia, there was a shooting rampage enacted by Sung-Hui Cho (23 years, from Centreville, VA) who fired over 170 rounds, killing 32 victims, before taking his own life at the Virginia Tech campus. Colleges and Universities would be

  • Virginia Tech Shootings: Seung-Hui Cho

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    Dontey Branch 4/11/17 Essay Two Virginia Tech Shootings On April 16, 2007 a man named Seung-Hui Cho went on a killing massacre at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg Virginia. Prior to the attack Cho was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. It was apparent to his family and teachers that there was something dark about the way he carried himself and in the work that he submitted it class. Cho attended counseling throughout childhood and into his late teens but would decide not to attend counseling

  • Sandy Hook School Shooting Essay

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    Together, the Columbine, Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook school shootings resulted in seventy-seven deaths. Gun related school violence continues to occur and has become more frequent in the recent years. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed one teacher and twelve students at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado on April 20th, 1999. In the shooting, they injured twenty other students before they turned their guns on themselves. Columbine, one of the first school shootings, caused a progression

  • Examining Today's US College Campus Shootings

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    shootings are becoming very popular within society throughout the years. For example, if you look into the news today you will see various schools which have been affected by violent crimes. In 2013, a least 27 shootings occurred near or on a college campus. The shootings that took place were believed to pose a threat to several

  • Virginia Tech Shooting

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    16, 2007, in the town of Blacksburg Virginia, a college student who attended Virginia Tech, opened gunfire to his fellow classmates. This shooting has been considered to be the biggest massacre in all of American history. There are many things to be discussed in this major tragedy. Some of them include the events leading up to the shooting, the timeline that the shootings occurred, the causes, and the significance in this particular shooting. The Virginia Tech is only one of the several examples

  • The Psychology of School Shooters

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    shootings have occurred within American grade schools, high schools, and universities, resulting in approximately 107 injuries and 109 murders of innocent students. The two most deadly shootings in the world occurred in the United States: the Virginia Tech University Massacre which left thirty-two dead and Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting which left twenty-eight dead. Each new shooting prompts a debate about gun control laws and leaves citizens wondering about the accessibility of guns; any

  • Persuasive Essay On Guns In Schools

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    On the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, the 16th of April 2007, there was a shooting. A student named Seung-Hui Cho opened fire tragically killing 32 students and wounding countless others before later committing suicide. Said to be “the deadliest shooting in the United States” (Fact). In 2011, 1,410 weapon violations occurred on-campus, and 16 murders were reported afterward that year. In 2013, “at least 27 shootings occurred on or near college campuses, according

  • What Caused the Virginia Tech massacre

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    reason why school shootings, like the Virginia Tech Massacre, occur is that the shooters were mentally ill or depressed; the tragic events can be avoided if they got the psychological treatment they needed before they became too unstable. An overall solution to this is to raise awareness of depression and its warning signs in order to prevent another outbreak of depression-related violence from happening in the future. Seung-Hui Cho, the shooter of the Virginia Tech Massacre, had a rough life during

  • Understanding Violence: The Virginia Tech University Shootings

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    On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, a 23-year-old college student, shocked the nation when he perpetrated the deadliest shooting massacre in U.S. history. The violent rampage took place on the Virginia Tech University campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, where Cho was a senior majoring in English. Before turning the gun on himself and delivering a fatal gunshot to the head, Cho murdered more than 30 of his classmates and University faculty; numerous others were injured. In a strange twist, several days

  • General Strain Theory Analysis

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    Seung Hui-Cho was the perpetrator of the Virginia Tech shooting in April 2007. He was born in South Korea but immigrated to the United States at a young age, becoming a permanent resident. From a young age, Cho’s relatives expressed concern about his mental health as he did not socialize much with other children. In primary school, he was academically gifted but became noticeably more antisocial and angry in the eighth grade. Notably, Cho mentioned that he wanted to “repeat Columbine.” Cho was later

  • The Pros And Cons Of School Shootings

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    thirty-three students and faculty were shot and killed by a former classmate at Virginia Tech University. The shooter, Seung-Hui Cho, was a senior at Virginia Tech and was majoring in English. Two years earlier before the attack, Cho was ordered by a judge to seek help after making suicidal remarks to his roommate. On April 16th, 2007 Cho had created one of the most deadly school shootings in America. ( "Virginia Tech Shootings Fast Facts." CNN.) It was unfathomable to think that in the close future

  • Argumentative Essay On School Shootings

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    School shootings are the leading death by a fire arm in the United States. What motivates these people to want to kill others? Acts of violence at schools is not a new thing. School shootings date back to the 18th century. However, school shootings are growing more common in this day in age. What motivates these people to want to kill others? With social networks more and more people are being bullied, which results in more kids snapping and shooting up their school. Bullying isn’t the only reason

  • Damion Beulah School Shootings and Bullying

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    com/2013/09/29/us/children-and-guns-the-hidden- toll.html?_r=0 , Retrieved January 1, 2014 Sandy Hook Shooting: What happened? CNN 2012, Retrieved December 28, 2013 Gunman Kills 32 in Virginia tech shooting. Ian Shapira April 17, 2007, Retrieved December 26, 2013 Questions remain in Arapahoe school shooting. Jordan Steffen December 29, 2013 http://www.denverpost

  • Stronger Gun Control Will Save Lives an Article by Christine Watkins

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    Gun Control in America is seen as ineffective, citizens believe gun control laws in place are not protecting lives, but taking them away. In order to solve this problem, many think more laws should be put in place. By doing so, they believe guns would no longer be in the hands of criminals and lives would not be ended before their time. In Christine Watkins’s article, “Stronger Gun Control Will Save Lives” She explains that if guns were objects that truly kept us safe, America would be the safest

  • Seung-Hui Cho: The Virginia Tech Massacre

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    Seung-Hui Cho was a 23 year old senior that studied English at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. On April 16, 2007 Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured 17 others in two separate attacks before taking his own life. This event is known as one of the deadliest shootings by a single gunman in the United States and worldwide. When Cho was a young boy he had been described as shy and mild mannered. Family and classmates report that he never spoke much and

  • School Shootings Should Be Armed Officers

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    Armed Officers in Schools Throughout the years of education, kids go to school to get an education, to hang with friends, to get excise, and many other things. America should have armed officers in in public schools. Since kids are spending a majority of their time throughout the day and year at school, they should feel safe in that environment. That can soon change with school security falling behind with this current growth of school shooting. Schools shootings have begun occurring more often in

  • The Gun Control Debate: Is it a Violation of the Constitution?

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    The Gun Control Debate: Is it a Violation of the Constitution? The United States Constitution is regarded as the supreme law of the land. When it was drafted over two centuries ago, the goal of the founding fathers was to provide for the general welfare and common defense of all citizens, establish a more perfect Union and insure domestic tranquility for the United States of America. Unfortunately, this tranquility has been disturbed by unnecessary tragedies at the hand of armed individuals. Tragedies

  • Dissociative Amnesia And The Case Of Steven Kazmierczak

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    Less Than Two Minutes On February 14, 2008, Steven Kazmierczak took less than two minutes to open fire on a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University, killing five, injuring eighteen, and finally taking his own life. Although he had a history of mental illness, Kazmierczak had been given the Dean’s Award, the highest honor an undergraduate of NIU can receive, attended graduate school at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and sought counseling for his mental illness. From the outside