Persuasive Essay On Guns In Schools

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On the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, the 16th of April 2007, there was a shooting. A student named Seung-Hui Cho opened fire tragically killing 32 students and wounding countless others before later committing suicide. Said to be “the deadliest shooting in the United States” (Fact). In 2011, 1,410 weapon violations occurred on-campus, and 16 murders were reported afterward that year. In 2013, “at least 27 shootings occurred on or near college campuses, according to a survey of news reports by The Huffington Post”. 18 people were reported dead and the rest were injured. These were dark days for many students and families. Regardless of many other mass shootings occurring on school campuses, many people still …show more content…

Without guns on school grounds, we ensure the safety of our students and teachers. Without guns, there will be a less likely risk of injury and danger. Paul Helmke, the President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, writes, “Schools should be sanctuaries where students can grow and learn in an environment free from the risks of gunfire” (Gun). As students go off to college, they are prepared to have the best time of their educational life; meet new people and make friends, learn, and just have fun. Helmke is right. Why would we want them to fill their time with worry and more stress? Without guns on school campuses, the constant threat of danger and harm will be eliminated. Also, if “one-in-four campus police departments are not prepared to handle an active shooter” who’s to say the students will be able to handle one. Removing the allowance of students to carry guns will remove the risk of harm coming to anyone and will remove the unnecessary worry. Permitting them to carry a weapon will not eliminate the fact that shootings will occur, it only allows for more incidents to

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