TV Azteca Essays

  • Grupo Elektra

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    appliances and furniture. Founded in 1950 by Hugo Salinas Rocha, the grandfather of the chairman, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, this company has been a family run business since it started. Elektra was the first manufacturer of television in Mexico selling TV sets through door-to-door vendors. In 1954, Elektra opened its first credit program extending credit to local consumers and opened its first store three years later. After experiencing marginal growth and the deflation of the peso in 1976, Elektra

  • The Emergence and Popularity of Reality TV

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    1. Introduction The emergence and soon popularity of reality TV in some degree demonstrates the huge market of selling “real experience” through exposing “realities” of privacy, relationship between players, etc. (Deery 2004 in TV program area.). However, reality TV may not be intrinsically “real” though almost all involved players are unprofessional actors and programs are usually highly inscribed. Players are actually selected carefully (e.g. audition or interviews) and constrained by various signed

  • Television and Media Violence - Is Aggressive Behavior Linked to TV Violence?

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    homicide rates. Center... ... middle of paper ... ...on cartoons on emotionally disturbed children. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 12:413-427 Huston-Stein, A., Fox, S., Greer, D., Watkins, B. A., & Whitaker, J. (1981). The effects of TV action and violence on children's social behavior. Journal of Genetic Psychology 138:183-191 Wiegman, O., Kuttschreuter, M., & Baarda, B. (1992). A longitudinal study of the effects of television viewing on aggressive and prosocial behaviors

  • Negative Effects of Media Violence on Children

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    Americans have felt a growing uneasiness from the growing problem of youth violence with teens from the ages of twelve to eighteen. It is a controversial subject that is an increasingly rising with families and the in the government. Some people believe that the reason behind this national problem is because families are no longer a united unit and are not home to take responsibility of watching their children. There are others who believe that it is the influence of the media and technology

  • Eulogy for Grandmother

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    families’ relationship could be at times, I loved her unconditionally. She was the woman who would buy me gallons of ice cream and soda frustrating my mother to no end. Whenever I spent the night she would let me stay up as late as I wanted watching TV. Crossing the street to my grandparents’ house was a daily event, which I looked forward to every morning I woke up. There was the day when my Mom had to many things to do to take me to see the Clydesdale Horses. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time

  • Censorship Gone Too Far

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    Censorship Gone Too Far Seven Works Cited          Have you ever walked into a music store and seen those parental advisory stickers on most of todays' popular music? Or have you seen those TV ratings on the top left corner of your favorite shows? How about the ratings on your favorite video games? I'm sure you have, but do you really know what those so-called harmless stickers, and images do to the world of entertainment and your freedom of expression for that matter? A recent craze to

  • Elements of Comedy in The Simpsons

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    Elements of Comedy in The Simpsons The TV show, "The Simpsons" is considered by many to be one of the greatest animated shows ever made. Incredibly popular with people of all ages, creator Matt Groening combined numerous elements of humor to produce a truly original program. His goal is to never repeat the same joke twice. The year 2000 will mark the 10th anniversary of the show (which adds up to a lot of original jokes), and highlights its achievement as primetime TVÕs current longest

  • TV Advertising and its Effect on Children

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    TV Advertising and its Effect on Children Today’s children are unique in many ways from previous generations, but perhaps the most influencing on our young children today is Television advertisements. "In 1997, the nation’s estimated 34 million children age 12 and under will have spent or influenced spending of a record $500 billion" (Horovitz 1997). There is obviously a great deal of interest in this subject, many books have been written, and many studies and reports done on the effects of

  • The Problems of Gangsta Rap

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    the 60's or 90's, never welcome the sounds of the younger generation. Unfortunately this fact does not comfort someone when listening to Snoop Doggy Dog or Ice Cube talk of sex, violence, beatings, and suicide. Hollywood, the country's Mecca for TV and movies, is another contaminated disaster area. This area has given us hero's such as Clint Eastwood, Humphrey Bogart, and Bruce Willis. Once filmmakers would evoke sexual interests through eye contact or a touch of the leg. Today cinematographers

  • Counter culture / Hackers

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    Why Hackers Do The Things They Do? Hackers. You know them as gangly kids with radiation tans caused by too many late nights in front of a computer screen. Evil beings who have the power to wipe out your credit rating, cancel your cable TV, raise your insurance premiums, and raid your social security pension. Individuals who always avert their eyes and mumble under their breath about black helicopters and CIA transmissions. Paranoid, social deviants who could start World War III from the privacy

  • The Combining of Cable TV and the Internet

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    The Combining of Cable TV and the Internet The Telecommunications Act of 1996 opened the way for cable TV (CATV) companies to become full-fledged telecommunications companies, offering two-way voice and data communications services, in addition to television programming. After passage of the Act, the cable companies were eager to expand into the new fields of business that had been opened to them, especially the rapidly growing Internet Service Provider (ISP) business. The biggest hurdle facing

  • Controversy Of Oprah Winfrey

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    For several decades Oprah Winfrey has been one the utmost influential and prosperous television personalities throughout the history of television talk hosts. Oprah has paved the way for several women and African Americans because of her dedication and prominent leadership aptitudes, and according to Everett, (2014) “The most successful BAMM and twenty-first-century media powerhouse is Oprah Winfrey. As the personification of a trans media brand across television (The Oprah Winfrey Show, Oxygen Network

  • The Success Of Oprah Winfrey

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    business moves, from co-founding Oxygen Media, to launching her own magazine (O: The Oprah Magazine). Oprah made sure she was on the forefront of media and captured her audiences' attention with every move she made. Due to her respectable reputation as a TV host, it was predictable that Oprah would have a strong audience of

  • Commuting Vs. On-Campus Living

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    My phone alarm goes off and wakes me up at 8:45 in the morning on this bright and sunny Monday. I get up, take a quick shower, quickly get ready and walk out the door and into my car by 9:50. I am blasting the radio to Taylor Swift and Luke Bryan and I have the windows rolled down enjoying the fresh air while I am on my way to my college classes. I am driving the back roads from Holland to Allendale for close to twenty-five minutes in order to get to my first of three classes at GVSU, beginning at

  • Are We Desensitized Analysis

    716 Words  | 2 Pages

    In her article “Are We Desensitized?” Nastacia Goodwin expresses her frustration with the media and her peers by contrasting her own reaction to the Virginia Tech Massacre against the reactions of people she knew in school. Goodwin’s reflection on her experience brings her to the conclusion that the peoples’ mass exposure to violence has converted them into apathetic monsters. She starts by laying out expectations of her school’s reaction to the Virginia Tech Massacre, believing that the school

  • How Television Affects Children

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    to the TV not willing to move for anything. What these parents do not realize is that many problems may occur from their children watching excessive amounts of TV. Problems such as loss of creativity , increased amounts of laziness and sudden violent attitudes and/or actions may result. Creativity is an important trait for a young child to have. When growing up it helps a child’s mind to develop, as they fantasize images of what they have experienced or are experiencing. When watching TV a child

  • Is Media Violence To Blame?

    513 Words  | 2 Pages

    Is Media Violence To Blame? Today, there is more violence on TV, in video games and in music than ever before. Many times, media violence is linked with kids and teenagers committing violent acts. This is an attempt by parents and critics to eliminate violence in the media. Although, many think media violence is a cause of violence among children, they should be looking at what else causes violence. Many people believe media violence is not good and that it makes kids aggressive. Laboratory studies

  • is there too much reality tv?

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    Is there too much reality TV? On the other hand shows like big brother only occur for a certain part of the year, however when big brother is on it is on for a long time therefore it consumes a lot of TV airtime. Even so a lot of the British public enjoy big brother and text in there votes every week. It might also be argued that people only watch reality TV because there is nothing else on TV at these times. On big brother alcohol is the most comely drunk beverage no one drinks water when there’s

  • Children And Exercise

    2574 Words  | 6 Pages

    In our society today one of the most difficult problems we are facing is the large numbers of obesity in our children. One of the major factors in that is this; our children have become less physically active. At an early age children start watching TV, learn how to operate a computer, and play video games. Having technological skills is now a necessity in all of our lives because everything has turned “computerized,” but the fact is that our children are relying on these types of entertainment rather

  • Children and Television

    1386 Words  | 3 Pages

    Children and Television Television affects children’s lives. There are many facts to support this opinion. In the following paragraphs I will prove that TV affects children and their behavior. Also I will talk about things related to this topic. What children watch today affects their lives. Television has a powerful impact on everyone. Many people, even super stars like Madonna feel there children should not watch television. Many of today’s youth and family programs include sexually promiscuity