Tahiti Essays

  • Paul Gauguin Women Of Tahiti

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    “Women of Tahiti” is a famous artwork of a French artist Paul Gauguin; Paul Gauguin painted this picture in 1891 in Tahiti. Gauguin loved travelling and one of his favorite places was a French colony island –Tahiti. He loved Tahiti and stayed there for years, discovering the culture of this island. In his artwork “women of Tahiti”, I see two women sitting on the beach. My first impression is fulfilled with warm sunny colors, light ocean breeze and warm sand. The picture is taking the viewer

  • Primitivism in Gauguin’s and Nolde’s Paintings

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    Christ found in the cathedral of Pont-Aven, were inspirational to his work. Several other locations like Tahiti and those of his 1889 Universal Exhibition, helped Gauguin to establish a mythic speech in his primitive style paintings. Abigail Solomon-Godeau states how “mythic speech” is presented with Gauguin’s work in her article, ... ... middle of paper ... ...ings like Pont-Aven, Tahiti, or Africa. The lifestyle and artwork of primitive-like cultures painted in the styles of Gauguin and Nolde

  • Paul Gauguin Where Do We Come From? Where Are We Going Essay

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    Paul Gauguin, a French Post-Impressionist artist, tried to commit suicide in December, 1897 during his second stay in Tahiti. At that time, he did not have enough money to treat himself, and miserably, he was abandoned by people who owned his money, so his mental and physical conditions were poor. Moreover, In April 1897, he got news from his wife, Mette. There was written that his daughter Aline, who is only twenty, was dead due to pneumonia. Gauguin was absolutely depressed at this news and seriously

  • Gauguin’s Hiva Oa

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    narrator describes the place by saying, “the beauty of the island is unveiled as diminishing distance shows you in distincter shape its lovely peaks…for Tahiti is smiling and friendly” (Maugham 160). This is an excellent description of the island, and it is little wonder that Gauguin found solace here. Hiva Oa is on the southern coast of Tahiti and is the most fertile and well known of the Marquisas group of islands, of which there are six. Even today, Hiva Oa retains much of the physical beauty

  • Tahiti and the French Polynesia

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    miles of the South Pacific, in an area as large as the continent of Europe, lies the Territory of French Polynesia and its principal island, Tahiti. Settlers from Southeast Asia are thought to have first arrived in the Marquesas Islands, in the northeastern part of what is today called French Polynesia, around 300 AD and in the Society Islands, including Tahiti, to the west by about 800 AD. Prior to the first European contact, the islands were ruled by a hierarchy of hereditary tribal chiefs. The first

  • Tahiti Gender Roles

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    Tahiti on the other hand is a prime example of an androgynous society. No outstanding differentiation between the male and female gender roles sets Tahiti apart from other cultures. In fact, Tahiti is unique in its ability to construct gender equality. The social roles of women and men are the same. “Women have the same status as men and have the same

  • French Polynesia

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    on a break. Don't you think? Well, today I will talk about this possible destination which is Tahiti the main island in French Polynesia, its friendly population, and what a tourist can do to enjoy his trip there. Body I/ First, let see where Tahiti and her islands are located compared to the rest of the world. Tahiti and her islands are officially known as French Polynesia. (Which island in Tahiti?). They are located in the middle of an imaginary triangle which starts with Hawaii in the north

  • Tipping In French Polynesia

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    travel from one island to another, they will have the option of either booking your flight on Air Tahiti or going on a cruise ship to travel by ocean. Many people visit French Polynesia to plan their weddings and honeymoons. Islands from French Polynesia’s horizons are pleasing to see at dawn and dusk, as the water shimmers from the sun’s rays. Some favourites from the tourists of French Polynesia are Tahiti, nicknamed “Queen of the Pacific” (which is also the biggest island of French Polynesia), Bora

  • The Life and Art of Paul Gauguin

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    desperately longed for his own paradise. Gauguin soon decided that Tahiti would be the place where he could capture the freedom of paradise that he r... ... middle of paper ... ...as very much in debt. Many of his possessions, including many of his paintings, were auctioned off for small sums of money used to pay on his debts. Although Paul Gauguin never found the paradise of Peru that he searched for, he was able to capture Tahiti in his paintbrush. His paintings preserve the true nature of

  • Hokulea Research Paper

    2006 Words  | 5 Pages

    would come down and sit around the canoe and look at it in awe. Many people thought it would not be built. It was! They thought that it would not sail. This canoe sailed! On May 1st, 1976, the Hokulea set sail and began its epic voyage from Hawaii to Tahiti, crossing 2,500 miles of water. On this first voyage, they had trouble finding a traditional navigator that could command the canoe. The Polynesian Voyaging Society had to look beyond Polynesia, and found Mau Piailug from an island called Satawal

  • Joseph Banks And The English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge And Polite Culture

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    travel to Australia, South America, Tahiti, New Zealand, and Newfoundland and Labrador. For example, in "Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture" by John Gascoigne, the author begins his book by discussing Banks' public life. Gascoigne starts by comparing Francis Bacon and Joseph Banks. He believes that

  • Tahiti's Attacks: A Narrative Fiction

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    hours since I have been on this island since the incident, in which everyone and everything I knew suddenly disappeared. It all started about one and a half days ago in the little island of Tahiti. It was such a beautiful and magnificent place, I was very ecstatic that my parents chose this vacation spot. Tahiti had been a stress relieving place since all of the nuclear bomb talk going around lately. This certain topic frightened me because the radiation would kill almost everyone and everything.

  • Hawaiian Navigation

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    Hawaiian Navigation How did the Polynesians find their way to Hawaii, over two thousand miles from any other land? Was it over population at home, or political turmoil? Whatever reason for leaving these people used amazing knowledge and skill of the ocean and of the sky to navigate them to this new land. They faced the unknown and braved into the wide-open ocean for long periods of time. The real focus in this paper is on the navigation techniques that they used in these voyages throughout

  • Hawaiian Hula And Tahitian Dance: Similarities And Differences

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    Richard Josue HWST 107 Hawaiian Hula and Tahitian Dance Hawai’I and Tahiti has been partners since 1800s up to present. They are cooperating with each other when it comes to diplomat, marriage alliance and exchanges of trade leaders. Communication between the two regions ceased for more than half a millennium before the arrival of Captain James Cook who was already famous for exploring the Pacific islands including Tahiti. He and his crew were struck by the similarity between the Tahitian and

  • Essay On Conflict Management

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    This essay looks at different theories and solutions that will help in improving a day to day routine of an organization. The given theories are equity theory, communication models /theory and conflict handling theory. A business example will also be given. How would motivating employee’s prompt motivation for the management staff, resulting in a more prosperous business entity? Apply equity theory The importance of positive work environments and its benefit is that great workplaces can help motivate

  • Paul Gauguin Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

    1453 Words  | 3 Pages

    Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Paul Gauguin is known for being one of the world's greatest painters, although he was not much appreciated at his time. His work seems to tell stories of his life. In his series of painting done in Tahiti, we can see the many wonders that Gauguin himself explored. Today Gauguin's painting run for millions. For example; Paul Gauguin's Maternite (II) done in 1899 was sold for $39.2 million. That wasn't the case back when Gauguin first started his new

  • Boro Bora Mission Statement

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    Bora Bora, a picture-perfect tropical paradise has been experiencing a series of decline in tourist arrival on the island. The report is geared towards analysing the destinations marketing plan or tourism strategies and to evaluate possible long-term potential damages since the island depends on the tourism industry for financial stability. The communication mix would be evaluated to check visitor arrivals and increase awareness of the destination, and whether the promotional strategies used best

  • Essay On Bahamas

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    Do you want to learn about animals, food, and the beaches in the Bahamas? The Bahamas has many different things that you can do while you are there. In the Bahamas there are many cool animals that you can see that we don’t have here, there is new kinds of food that you can try, and many beautiful beaches that you can visit. There are lots of cool animals that you can find in the Bahamas. Most of the cooler animals found here are ocean animals that can be found in the coral reefs. These coral

  • The Mask Of Tutankhamun In Ancient Egypt

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    Island was settled periodically over certain amount of years by at least two cultures. They were cultures such as Polynesia and another from South America. There is also a third story about a Spanish ship. The ship, San Lesmems, went missing near Tahiti. The legend is that ... ... middle of paper ... ...spread, self-reliant feudal divisions throughout Europe, made up of a lord and his obedient vassals. These out-of-date lords were constantly in battle during the early middle ages, their armies

  • Cannibalism In African Americans

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    not know how to make sense of this behavior. They tried to use their own European social model to claim that these women were sexually driven and close to the natural status. However, this was not the case. The society in the South Pacific such as Tahiti, respect high ranked people such as the priest or the gods. Sex was a powerful force and “associated with the fertility of the ancestors and the fecundity of local resource.” When the indigenous women first saw the white Europeans, they thought that