Tactical Essays

  • Beneficial Results of a Tactical Failure

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    Beneficial Results of a Tactical Failure When I first examined this assignment, I decided that I would make some piece of pottery that I believed would have been useful to my ancestors. I wanted to make something simple, as I had no experience working with clay. I thought that a small bowl capable of holding a small amount of water would be my best bet. However, when I arrived at Aura Ceramics my intentions changed. Once I sat down to make my pottery, I decided to make something I thought

  • Factors of Tactical Planning and SWOT Analysis of Starbucks

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    Factors of Tactical Planning and SWOT Analysis of Starbucks Millions of Americans these days depend on the glorious caffeine rich nectar provided to them daily by the local Starbucks chain store. With it’s humble roots firmly planted in Seattle Washington, this little coffee shop has turned from a novel idea, into a veritable necessity for Americans on the go. The amazing success of Starbucks can be attributed, in part, to tactical planning. It was through tactical planning that the management

  • Managing Information Technology

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    CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………….16 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………………..16 PROBLEM STATEMENT We are required to attempt the following questions: Discuss the three levels of information needs found in your organization, which are operational, tactical and strategic. Include the types of information, the needs for such information, their uses and how the different department requires them for their own effectiveness. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT No book is written in a vacuum

  • Strategic Planning Notes

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    Introduction • Strategy is the action that allows realization of long-term vision and goals • Planning is a process that attempts to coordinate the deployment of resources over time • Planning horizon is a key differentiation between strategic, tactical, and operational planning Role of Network Services in Strategic Planning • For some organizations, network technology will be central to the core mission • Network equipment or services company • Common carrier or ISP • Organization focusing

  • Oppression Of People Of Color

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    The myth that “all men are equal” has created false hopes for the people of color, who continually seek opportunities to excel, that just aren’t there. They have been led to believe that intelligence and ambitions are key contributors to one’s success. Even if they do possess ambition and intelligence, the dominant majority of the white population oppresses them. This type of oppression points out that new methods of struggle are needed, such as whose employed by Martin Luther King, Jr., Franz Fanon

  • Submarines

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    The Evolution of the Sumarine Due to War The submarine is an extreamly useful tactical tool. Bred through war, the submarine is one of the most advanced covert weapons technologies today. The submarine is a ship designed and built to travel under water. A "true" submarine spends the majority of time under water and is capable of staying under water indefinaltely(Rush 140). The only "true" submarine today is the nuclear sub. The first "true" submarine is the U.S.S nautilus(Rush 141). There are two

  • Native Americans' Longhouse

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    Native Americans' Longhouse One of the most important structures to the Native American tribes of Western New York is the longhouse. This structure built only of wood. These structures allowed for these people to stay warm throughout winters that could be as harsh as any we have seen. The masterly crafted houses provided warmth in the winter and in the summers allowed for the air to flow through and keep the house cool. Without these houses, the tribes of New York would not have survived.

  • This Literature review will be focusing on the key issues regarding

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    identifying the particular wants and needs of a objective market of customers, and then going about satisfying those customers better than the competitors. This involves doing market research on customers, investigating their needs, and then making tactical decisions about product design, pricing, promotion and distribution. The company that I am going to look is a well-established chocolate company Cadbury's. The company does put the customers first making them marketing orientated but mainly

  • Has Technology Made Strategy Obsolete?

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    the war, believing that war was inevitable. It is clear then, that wile both men wrote on the subject of war, their focus was on different levels of warfare, Sun Tzu's focus was on strategy, or grand strategy, while Clausewitz's focus was on the tactical level, or operational strategy. Technology is of a different ilk altogether than the closely related topics of tactics and strategy. Technology is the tools with which the war is waged. It can consist of not only mechanical instruments, but of nuclear

  • phsycological warfare

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    interests. This is accomplished, with varied effectiveness, through several methods and techniques, both on the strategic and tactical levels (Payne). Psychological warfare is also utilized by the United States on civilians and the general population of liberated territories. This branch of psychological operations is known as consolidation (Pease 9). Strategic, Tactical, and Consolidation Psychological Operations On the strategic level, psychological operations are utilized to accomplish long-term

  • American Airlines

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    American airlines is a corporation that exhibits all of the characteristics of a firm in an industry where good tactical management is the key to success. This company and its regional airline partner American eagle serve almost 250 cities around the world and operate more than 3600 daily flights. Its goal is to provide safe, dependable and friendly air transportation along with related services, making a great effort to transform any experience into a positive one. All of the services that this

  • Viking Impact on Northern Europe

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    northern Europe during the next 200 years. As the years went on the frequency of Viking attacks increased as they became bolder. They were opportunists, raiding when the villages were off–guard or weak and trading when they were powerful. The speed and tactical advantage of the Viking longships allowed them to slip quietly ashore, pillage the village and make a fast getaway via water before the village can summon an army. By this time some Viking plunderers would stay over winter in a village. Soon their

  • Technology Used on the Military Battlefield

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    today’s battlefield. Two of the major areas include communications, and battlefield management systems. All of these systems are just parts of the military’s tactical internet. The Key factor on the battlefield is communications. Excellent communication is necessary to keep all units working in unison, both on the front lines and in tactical command and control centers in the rear element. The United States Military and ITT A/CD developed the Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS)

  • Successes and Failures of Signals Intelligence

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    can collect, process and analyze into intelligence information. Whoever has the ability to control and exploit the electromagnetic spectrum, which ranges from zero to infinity, will know their enemies vulnerabilities, create opportunities, achieve tactical surprise, and result in mission accomplishment. Considerations such as successful and unsuccessful collection in Signal Intelligence will be a tremendous factor in planning and the execution of U.S. military operations. There are numerous accounts

  • Importance of Blitzkrieg in World War II

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    used as long-range artillery to destroy enemy strongholds, attack troop concentrations, and spread panic. Then combined arms forces of tanks and motorized infantry coordinated by two-way radio destroyed tactical targets before moving on, deep into enemy territory. A key difference to previous tactical models was the devolution of command. Fairly novice officers in the field were encouraged to use their own initiative, rather than rely on a centralized command structure. Essentially, the idea behind

  • Chechnya

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    without good cause. This dynamic portion of the former Soviet Union is seen as a predecessor of things to come from other pieces of the dead communist giant. So many different peoples and cultures were pulled into the grasp of Russia for economic or tactical reasons. Now that Russia is waning in power, these peoples may chose to seize the opportunity to regain their independence, hundreds of years lost in some cases, and reestablish their own ethnic identity. As we will see, Chechnya’s history with Russia

  • The Rise and Success of Starbucks

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    in the planning process is required. Corporations today use a top down approach to map an organizations future. Strategic planning or Top-Level management are the executives of a company and are responsible for the long-term goals and strategies. Tactical planning or the middle level managers take the long-term goals and classify them to smaller more specific goals. Finally, operational planning or the frontline managers are responsible for developing plans to accomplish short term objectives that

  • Genetic Engineering Brings More Harm Than Good

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    Now it looks more likely that total destruction will be averted, and that widespread, but not universally fatal, damage will continue to occur from radiation accidents from power plants, aging nuclear submarines, and perhaps the limited use of tactical nuclear weapons by governments or terrorists. What has gone largely unnoticed is the unprecedented lethal threat of genetic engineering to life on the planet. It now seems likely, unless a major shift in international policy occurs quickly

  • Makeover Feminism

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    prestigious careers, and families, these successful women often report that they felt some aspect of their appearance prevented them from reaching their goals. Responding to criticism from feminists, they defend the choice to enhance their appearance as a tactical effort to win power in normative society. Drawing on popular media interpretations of third wave feminism, women compelled to politicize a personal decision to “improve” their image have wrapped this act in ideological jargon. Makeover Feminism

  • Importance Of Tactical Skills

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    then means that the tactical skills do not get taught or coaches do not spend enough time teaching them. There are a few reasons why this could happen one is listed above coaches spend too much time and energy going over the technical skills. Another popular belief is that coaches do not know how to teach these skills. So what exactly are tactical skills? In order for tactical skills to be taught coaches must have a clear cut understanding what tactical skills are. Tactical skills or a “tactic is