Subarachnoid hemorrhage Essays

  • Essay On The Sidewalk Bleeding

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    Accidents happen at any age, and in many cases it involves bleeding. It is very important to identify the type of bleeding and how to control it. Since bleeding is either minor or severe, it is beneficial to have the ability to take action when necessary. The techniques of recognizing the bleed, applying direct pressure, applying a tourniquet, to stop a wound from bleeding and preparing for shock can potentially save someone’s life. The first step in stopping a wound from bleeding is to identify

  • Epidural Hematoma Research Paper

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    Epidural hematomas are a severe complication of head injuries and are considered to be a medical emergency. Although they may not be seen as often as subdural hematomas, they are much more serious and require emergency surgery. If epidural hematomas are not picked up quickly, they can result in severe neurologic deficits and even worse, death. A major concern in a patient with an epidural hematoma is failure to rescue by healthcare professionals. Failure to rescue is when healthcare professionals

  • Tomography Essay

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    Computed tomography (CT) offers the advantages of 3D imaging with volumetric and multi-planar reconstructions (21, 22). Given the relatively high radiation doses involved, CT should not be used in place of conventional radiography, and should be restricted to critically ill children who may need neurosurgical intervention (21). Iterative reconstruction and all appropriate dose reduction techniques should be used to reduce radiation exposure (22). Non-contrast-enhanced CT is the imaging modality

  • Stroke Essay

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    acute interruption of the normal blood flow to an area of the brain. This then causes the brain to lose important nutrients as well as oxygen which will prevent it to keep functioning up to par. This is a consequence from a thrombosis, intracranial hemorrhage, or embolism, which causes vascular insufficiency. The outcome is persistent dysfunction related to the affected structures. There are many ways that strokes may occur, they can be cardiogenic or hemorrhagic. Stroke can happen at any age from the

  • Stroke Case Study

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    It goes without saying that everyone’s health is important and should be taken care carefully. Everyone has heard of strokes before but many people do not really know its meaning, types, and the number of individuals of that dies due to this issue. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), strokes kills an average of 130,000 people a year and it is one of the most common deaths that happen in the United States. An average of 800,000 of people die from cardiovascular disease

  • Cerebral Aneurysm

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    the intima of a blood vessel wall (Brisman, 2014). The vessel develops a blister-like dilation that becomes thin and may rupture without warning. The rupture causes bleeding into the space around the brain which produces a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). This kind of hemorrhage can lead to a stroke, coma , and/or death (Singla & Hoh, 2015). The most common place for a cerebral

  • Ischemic Stroke Essay

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    sudden onset that can have devastating effects (Bansal, Pelino, Pizzimwnti, 2015). A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted (ischemia), or when a cerebral vessel ruptures and causes blood to bleed into the brain (hemorrhage). Both ischemia and hemorrhage cause brain cell death by depriving the brain of needed oxygen and nutrients. Damaged brain cells die and abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost (Cook, Clements, 2011). The World Health Organization defines stroke

  • Stroke Essay

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    Americans are faced with health complications such as stroke each and every day. Stroke, also called “brain attack” is the third leading cause of deaths in the United States, killing more women each year than breast cancer. According to World Health Organization, fifteen million people suffer from stroke worldwide each year and about 700,000 in the United States. Among the people, it can be inferred that there is a poor public awareness of stroke. There are also many myths about stroke and one of

  • Cerebrovascular Disorders: A Case Study

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    Besides, ischemic attacks are thrombotic and 20% are embolic. Although more than 25% of hemorrhagic attacks are due to subarachnoid hemorrhages but epidural and subdural hematoma do not lead to cerebral attacks (10) .Acute ischemic attack is a severe medical emergency and short term and long term survival is a key to estimating hospital capability in taking care of situation (11)

  • Symptoms And Treatment Of Hemorrhagic Stroke

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    Studies show that 10% of strokes are secondary to intracerebral hemorrhage and another 3% are due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. The frequency of stroke varies with age, sex, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. African Americans and Hispanics have the greatest threat of intracerebral hemorrhage and excess risk is mostly observed in young and middle aged people (Liebskind & O 'Connor,2015). Pathophysiology Both intercerebral hemorrhage and hemorrhagic stroke are terms that can be used interchangeably

  • Ischemic Stroke Essay

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    An ischemic stroke can occur in two ways. One of the ways in which ischemic stroke can happen is embolic stroke which occurs when a blood clot or plaque fragment forms somewhere in the body and travels to the brain. Once in the brain, the clot travels to the blood vessel small enough to block its passage. After that, the clots stay there and block the blood vessel which causes the stroke. About 15% of embolic strokes occur in people with atrial fibrillation (Ischemic stroke, 2016). In other words

  • Hydrocephalus Essay

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    Communicating/non-obstructive hydrocephalus is characterized by the malabsorption of CSF in the absence of an obstruction in the CSF flow in its normal path to the subarachnoid space and across the blood-brain barrier, whilst non-communicating/obstructive is, as the name suggests because of an obstruction anywhere in the normal production or flow of CSF.4 This restricted flow of CSF or malabsorption can result in symptoms

  • Essay On Closed Head Injury

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    direct trauma to the head of any cause. Primary injury cases cause structural changes such as epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and intra-ventricular hemorrhage. Secondary injuries like hypoxia, acidosis, and other parts which can damage the brain. Neurosurgeons have given prophylactic anticonvulsants for patients with intracranial hemorrhages, although the period for the medication is not clear. For patients who have experienced seizure can be treated with anticonvulsants

  • Megan Steele Case Summary

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    Michelle Johnson of Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company referred this file for medical case management. Instructions were given to meet with Megan Steele and assist with coordination of appropriate and related medical care, and identify needs to facilitate recovery. INTERVIEW SETTING On 7/20/16 I met with Ms. Steele at the U of M acute rehabilitation center. Ms. Steele requires a 24/7 sitter. Her rancho level is a 3-4. I introduced myself she was pleasant. Ms. Steele did not engage in much conversation

  • Arachnoid Cysts Research Paper

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    damaged because of minor head trauma. Trauma can cause the fluid within a cyst to leak into other areas (e.g., subarachnoid space). • Blood vessels on the surface of a cyst may tear and bleed into the cyst (intracystic hemorrhage), increasing its size. • If a blood vessel bleeds on the outside of a cyst, a collection of blood (hematoma) may result. In the cases of intracystic hemorrhage and hematoma, the individual may have symptoms of increased pressure within the cranium and signs of compression

  • Exploring the Function and Structure of the Cerebrum

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    The cerebrum is located at the anterior-most part of the brain and is responsible for the combination of complex sensory and neural functions, as well as the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body. It is the largest brain structure in humans and makes up two-thirds of the total mass of the brain (“Cerebrum Anatomy”, 2015). Its surface, a covering made up of grey matter usually 2-4mm thick, is called the cerebral cortex and is mainly made up of the cell bodies of neurons. The

  • Treatment of Strokes

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    activator (rtPA) resulted in fewer deaths, intracranial hemorrhage, and an overall better prognosis for patients post-stroke (Saver et al., 2012). The clot-dissolving drug, also known as alteplase, is the only FDA approved medication for acute ischemic stroke and is recommended to be administered ... ... middle of paper ... ...Laleh, Petzold, Axel, & Kitchen, Neil. (2003, October 1). Triple-H therapy in the management of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage. The Lancet Neurology, 2(10), 614-620. doi:

  • A Stroke

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    two strokes is called a hemorrhagic stroke. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when an artery in the brain leaks or bursts (2). These strokes can be broken down into two major types: cerebral and subarachnoid. A cerebral hemorrhage is when one of the cerebral arteries ruptures in the brain. A subarcachnoid hemorrhage is when the brain's surface ves... ... middle of paper ... ...lysis and loss of brain function can prohibit patients from complete recovery, but it is important to remember to take small

  • Stroke

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    vessel could burst in your brain causing a hemorrhage which starts to accumulate blood and compresses the brain tissue which can cause brain damage. There are 2 different types of strokes the first one is called a intracerebral hemorrhage stroke which is the most common of the two and is when an artery in the brain burst can compresses surrounding tissue in the brain. (CDC, 2010). The second form of a hemorrhage stroke is called subarachnoid hemorrhage which is bleeding in the area that is located

  • Taking a Look at a Cerbrovascular Accident

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    disease (generally) hypertension(high blood pressure), kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease, and diabetes mellitus. Cerebrovaslar accident is an abnormal condition of the blood vessels of the brain, characterized by occlusion , an embolus ,or hemorrhage, resulting of a lack of blood supply in the brain tissues (ischemia) normally perfused by the damage vessels. CVA (orstroke) is the most common disease of the nervous system and Is ranked as the third leading cause of death in the United Stated