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The topic I will be covering in the paper is a condition called a stroke. I know many people know the brief information about a stroke but I am here to go into full detail of what a stroke really is, how a person can suffer a stroke, history, and treatments for stroke patients, also if you have suffered from or has a family member suffering from a stroke hopefully I can find a good support site to go to for information and help on the topic at hand. A stroke is when either a blood clot blocks the blood flow to the brain which is called a Ischemic stroke which makes ups about 85% of all strokes which would be a lot, or a blood vessel could burst in your brain causing a hemorrhage which starts to accumulate blood and compresses the brain tissue which can cause brain damage. There are 2 different types of strokes the first one is called a intracerebral hemorrhage stroke which is the most common of the two and is when an artery in the brain burst can compresses surrounding tissue in the brain. (CDC, 2010). The second form of a hemorrhage stroke is called subarachnoid hemorrhage which is bleeding in the area that is located between the brain and the thin tissue that covers it. (CDC, 2010). When it comes to races there is a difference in who is more at risk. African Americans and Native Americans are the most likely victims of a stroke in between them Hispanics and at the bottom are white people. The chance of and African American getting a stroke is twice that of a white person, not only are they at a much higher risk African Americans are also more likely to die after having the stroke than whites. Age of onset varies because anybody can have a stroke it is true that the older you get the higher your chances are of getting a stroke b...

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...ying active are also good ways in preventing a stroke your body works heard enough as it is by helping it you are helping yourself.

Works Cited

CDC. (March 20, 2013). In Stroke Facts. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from
CDC. (January 14, 2010). In Types of Stroke. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from
The Johns Hopkins University. (2013). In History of Stroke. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from,P00223/.
National Institutes of Health . (February 1, 2011). In How Is a Stroke Treated?. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from

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