Essay On The Sidewalk Bleeding

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Accidents happen at any age, and in many cases it involves bleeding. It is very important to identify the type of bleeding and how to control it. Since bleeding is either minor or severe, it is beneficial to have the ability to take action when necessary. The techniques of recognizing the bleed, applying direct pressure, applying a tourniquet, to stop a wound from bleeding and preparing for shock can potentially save someone’s life.

The first step in stopping a wound from bleeding is to identify the type of bleeding it is, and to apply direct pressure. Upon visual inspection of the blood, it may be either venous (from the vein) or arterial (from the artery). A venous bleed is dark red and oozing. This type is controlled by applying direct pressure, by firmly pressing down on the injury with a gloved or covered hand. After a few minutes, the bleeding will subside and you should bandage the wound. Arterial bleeding is bright red and spurting, indicating a severed or damaged artery making it more difficult to control. For an arterial bleed it is best advised to call 911 so that professional help is on the way. Also, any time that you are dealing with bodily fluids …show more content…

At this point, bleeding is not controlled by direct pressure, and is severely flowing at a faster rate. Elevate the extremity while still holding direct pressure to decrease the blood flow, and help slow the rate of bleeding. If unsuccessful a tourniquet should be applied. The average person will most likely not have a commercial tourniquet at hand; however, other simple methods will do. A torn shirt or any available material tied tightly around the extremity above the wound, but close to it, will work in the same way. Never apply directly on the wound itself. One should place the tourniquet securely between the wound and the heart. This will restrict circulation to prevent more blood

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