Stein Essays

  • The Case of Amanda Stein

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    Harassment or a Misunderstanding: The case of Amanda Stein In the article, Harassment or a Misunderstanding: the case of Amanda Stein, Amanda Stein, leads technical support engineer was facing continuous harassment by her manager Frank Villa. I believe Frank Villa’s attitude towards Amanda Stein was unacceptable because she was being unfairly treated by the fact that she is a woman, and moreover, by the fact that she is Jew. In today’s society, the issue of harassment in the work place is a very

  • Gertrude Stein

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    Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein is one of the most celebrated authors and patrons of the arts. She encouraged, influenced and aided many literary and artistic figures through her support, investment and writings. Stein was born on February 3, 1874 into upper middle class surroundings in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. When she was 3 years old the family moved to Vienna and then on to Paris before returning to America in late 1878. Gertrude and her brother Leo became very close although he was two

  • Miss Stein Constructs

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    mountains. She supported his idea. “Miss Stein Instructs” After coming back to Paris from the mountains, Hemingway payed frequent visits to his new acquaintance, a fellow writer and art collector, Miss Gertrude Stein. He enjoyed her company and the talks they have had: They discussed their own writing and the writings of other contemporary authors, paintings, and artists. During one of the visits to Stein’s studio, they have talked about homosexuality: Miss Stein made a clear distinction between men’s

  • Gertude Stein And The Art Of Cubism

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    artist, Gertrude Stein, a modernist writer of the 20th century, rejected the expectations of a society that required writing to model the speech of the English language just as it required art to model the visions and still life images of everyday situations and experiences. Stein's writing is often compared to the visual art of modernist painting, such as Duchamp's work from the 1913 Armory Show, Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2, in which he uses Cubist techniques. Duchamp and Stein rely heavily on

  • Gertrude Stein Research Paper

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    “If you can do it then why do it?” This is a quote from a well known writer in the Modernism Era(late 19th and early 20th centuries), Gertrude Stein. With this inspiring quote, Stein challenges us to rise above what we can do and instead strive for what we cannot yet do. Gertrude Stein, a talented and praised writer, helped shape the Modernism Era by using her excellent skill to entertain many audiences. She broke boundaries of avant-garde and influenced many. Gertrude had a few traumatic experiences

  • Heidegger's Interpretation of Pablo Picasso's Portrait of Gertrude Stein

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    Picasso's Portrait of Gertrude Stein By several accounts, Gertrude Stein posed for Pablo Picasso more than 90 times during the winter of 1905-6. Each session was never quite correct, with many botched attempts and frustrations. Ultimately Picasso sent her away, stating "I can't see you any longer when I look," then created a new portrait of her nearly a year later without seeing her again. It was regarded as a curious mask-like visage, not really an accurate representation of Stein at the time. When others

  • How Did Gertrude Stein Write Melanctha

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    Gertrude Stein was a well-known American author who was best known for her modernist writing along with her works in poetry. Within both her writing and poetry she focused on a specific theme dealing with homosexuality. In 1909, she wrote Three Lives which housed at the center of the book one of her most critically popular short stories titled “Melanctha”. “Melanctha” has been a controversial story for many critics for a number of reason but many look at the connection between Stein’s own life and

  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

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    accordingly. This may mean that they need to reinvent themselves. In many pieces of literature, characters are thrown into circumstances that require them to change who they are and how they act. In the novel The Art Of Racing In The Rain the author Garth Stein illustrates many situations where one or more characters are forced to change who they are and how they live. Yann Martel wrote, “It is circumstance that enables is to reinvent ourselves and the world around us.” Denny is put in certain circumstances

  • The Self-Portraits of Gertrude Stein and Pablo Picasso

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    The Self-Portraits of Gertrude Stein and Pablo Picasso It is no wonder that Picasso, with his revolutionary style of painting, would be attracted to Gertrude Stein’s crowded Rue de Fleurus apartment on Saturday evenings for intellectual discussions on art and literature. From the barefoot dances and improvisational plays of Max Jacob to the comments of critics and would-be art patrons like Maurice Raynal and André Salmon, this salon was an assortment of artists, bohemians, professionals, and foreigners

  • God and the Caducity of Being: Jean-Luc Marion and Edith Stein on Thinking God

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    God and the Caducity of Being: Jean-Luc Marion and Edith Stein on Thinking God ABSTRACT: Jean-Luc Marion claims that God must no longer be thought of in terms of the traditional metaphysical category of Being, for that reduces God to an all too human concept which he calls "Dieu." God must be conceived outside of the ontological difference and outside of the question of Being itself. Marion urges us to think of God as love. We wish to challenge Marion’s claim of the necessity to move au-delà

  • Edith Stein

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    Edith Stein Edith Stein was born on October 12, 1891 , Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of Atonement in Breslau Germany now Wroclaw Poland. She was born into an Orthodox Jewish family and was the youngest of 11 children. When she was not yet 2 years of age, her father suddenly died. This left Edith's mother to raise the seven remaining children since 4 had died in childhood and manage the family business. She considered her mother an example of the woman in Proverbs 31, who rises early to care for

  • Turkey Earthquake

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    west during 1963 and 1964. The August 17, 1999 event fills in a 100 to 150 km long gap between the 1967 event and the 1963 and 1964 events. This gap was first noted by Toksoz, Shakal, and Michael in 1979 and it's hazard was later analyzed by Stein, Barka, and Dieterich in 1997. The latter paper estimated that there was a 12% chance of this earthquake occurring in the 30 years from 1996 to 2026. The Cause [IMAGE]The earthquake originated at a shallow depth of about 10.5 miles (17 km)

  • Farewell To Arms

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    “You are all a lost generation” -Gertrude Stein This quotation’s importance on author Earnest Hemmingway is reflected in his modern Romeo and Juliet novel entitled A Farewell to Arms. The recurring tone of the novel suggests that the only reality is the harsh truth which is anything but romantic and proves that in the end, all is futile. This generation in which Stein spoke of to Hemingway is the generation of romantic war times. This idea is symbolized in the character Catherine Barkley’s vision

  • Identity in Gertrude Stein's The Making of Americans

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    Throughout her career, Gertrude Stein was fascinated by the possibility of revolution in the sense of "a complete or drastic change," especially in relation to her ideas of identity and agency. However, critics disagree about her conclusions. For example, Bruce Goebel sees her early texts as "embracing a deterministic attitude about the formation of identity" (238) that conceives of identity as locked within historical and biological contexts. At the other extreme, many critics, such as Caren Kaplan

  • History of Parental Involvement in Education

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    to believe that professionals alone should be responsible for educating children (Stein and Thorkildsen). As years went by, families showed some concern about this new view on who should be in charge of their children’s education. Parents began to show their concern for this division in education in the 1987 when the National Congress of Mothers, the foundation for the Parent Teacher Association, was formed (Stein and Thorkildsen). Since 1987 many more steps have been taken in an effort to evaluate

  • Ferenc Farkas

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    performance in Budapest, a second performance was given by Mireille Flour in Brussels, followed by performances in London by Maria Korchinska, in Rome by Ada Sassoli, and in Frankfurt by Rosa Stein. Later in Hungary, the work was performed again by Liana Pasquali. Concertino was recorded in Germany by Rosa Stein and in Belgium by Mireille Flour. Gaál: What are your feelings about writing for the harp? Farkas: In 1937 I tried to utilize what I felt was the most generally neglected characteristic

  • Lance Armstrong and Overcoming Obstacles

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    climb, but Armstrong saw it as an opportunity to put his great mountain-climbing skills to work (Stein 60). Pacing himself through the majority of the stage, he remained well behind the leader. Then it happened; he reached the horrendous Mount Hautacam, and began his "eight-mile sprint through the rain and up the Pyrenees" (Thomsen 45; Stein 60). Each mount... ... middle of paper ... ... * Stein, Joel. "Uphill Racer." Time 24 July 2000: 60. * Sterling, Michael & Associates. Lance Armstrong

  • Chinese art

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    cauldrons of bronze were also carved with maps and pictures of products of the provinces of China. Carvings 2. were essential to China. Another form of art in China was the weaving of textiles. The earliest Chinese silk weavings were found by Sir. Aurel Stein during his third Central Asian expedition in the year 1914. They display much of the tradition and exquisite customs of China. Many symbols were also demonstrated in these silks. Dragons, animals, birds, horsemen, cloud-scrolls and floral stems were

  • The Purpose of Sati in Jane Eyre

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    west, the old and the new, revealed sexuality and repressed sexuality. The two characters, Jane and Bertha, each represent a different region; while Bertha represents the East and the ancient, Jane represents the new and the modern. Dorothy K. Stein finds that Sati was a motif used for feminist discussions in Victorian England: [Sati] did not occur in England, but many manifestations of the attitudes and anxieties underlying the practice did. Nineteenth-century respectability in both England

  • Paris in the 1920’s – “The Lost Generation”

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    popular among other expatriates. He is the world-famous novelist, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and he sits down next to Ernest Hemingway. The two authors begin a friendship that characterizes the artistic culture of 1920's Paris – an era described by Gertrude Stein as "where the twentieth century was." Finding two artists like Fitzgerald and Hemingway pleasantly chatting together in a random bookstore or café in 1920's Paris was not unusual. Paris swarmed with a number of intellectuals, poets, and artists