Special Court for Sierra Leone Essays

  • Pros And Cons Of Punishment Of Child Soldiers

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    Have you ever wondered if child soldiers should be prosecuted or should given amnesty? I think we should give child soldiers a chance at life by giving them amnesty. Some people might not agree with me but i have several reasons that support my claim because it’s not there fault they are either drugged or they are bribed by food or they are traumatized also they might have killed their family so they have no other choice but to become a child soldier sometimes they also give them false promises

  • Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front

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    "In the 1970s and 1980s Sierra Leone had a thriving tourism industry,” says Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of the UK, after his trip to Sierra Leone. Later, however, the economy began staggering to a halt, and a new group rose to power with what many believed were strong and good willed beliefs. "No More Slaves, No More Masters. Power and Wealth to the People." According to Konye Obaji Ori, a Nigerian publishing author and editorial writer, this was said in 1991 by a rebel group who believed

  • The Effects of War on Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone

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    History and Prevalence of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone In the early 1990s, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) of Sierra Leone, led by former military agents invaded Sierra Leone from Liberia. The RUF initially said they were leading a political movement. Their main goals were to promote liberation, democracy, and freedom. They said they wanted justice and equality for all civilians living in Sierra Leone. In spite of what the RUF said they were doing, they were forceful and left trails of murder

  • Sierra Leone and the Blood Diamonds: Civil War and Children

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    and if you’ve been recently updated for new games. Unfortunately, in Sierra Leone, kids at the age of ten were worried about if that day was the only day they’d be able to breathe. The cause of one of this devastating outcome is Sierra Leone’s Civil War. This war was a long bloody fight that took many lives and hopes of children and families. Being located in the west coast of Africa and between Guinea and Liberia, “Sierra Leone has an abundance of easily extractable diamonds”(BBC News). The diamonds

  • Ishmael Themes

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    After Ishmael returns to Freetown, Sierra Leone, After help from the RUF and the military leaves the civilian government, and the war Ishmael has been avoiding catches up with him. After his uncle's death, Ishmael flees Sierra Leone for neighboring Guinea and eventually makes his way to his new life in the United States. The theme of this book was courage because it took a lot of strength to do what Ishmael did. Ishmael and his friends show courage on the decisions they had to make and the way they

  • Revolutionary United Front Essay

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    can both be applied to a varying degree of children fighting in armed conflict. The Sierra Leonean Civil War On March 23, 1991, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) invaded Sierra Leone entering the

  • Book Review Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    collection of memories that an individual writes about moments or events, both public or private that took place in the author's life. A Long Way Gone is the true story of Ishmael Beah, who becomes an unwilling boy soldier during a civil war in Sierra Leone. My recommendation of this book is that it’s so fascinating and unique; rather than portraying one side in a positive light, it shows that there is no right side. Since the book is told from the point of view of a child soldier, you can tell what

  • Child Soldiers In A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

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    child soldiers is an increasing epidemic in Sierra Leone. Ishmael Beah, author of the memoir A Long Way Gone, speaks of his time as a child soldier. Beah was born in Sierra Leone and at only thirteen years old he was captured by the national army and turned into a “vicious soldier.” (Beah, Bio Ref Bank) During the time of Beah’s childhood, a civil war had erupted between a rebel group known as the Revolutionary United Front and the corrupt Sierra Leone government. It was during this time when the

  • Sierra Leone Civil War Essay

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    One the bloodiest civil war in the history of Sierra Leone commenced when compounded conflicts in Liberia spread out into Sierra Leone. Rebels from Liberia, known as the National Patriot Front of Liberia and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) attacked the Liberian border in 1991. RUF was notorious for terrorizing communities, by forcing child enrollment, rapes, and amputations. Sierra Leone experienced an atrocious civil war that continues to have devastating effects in the country and onto its

  • Joseph Momoh Dbq

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    Joseph Momoh was a president of Sierra Leone in 2016. He reigns as president was a threat to the members of the Revolutionary United Front. Because of a lot of policies that Momoh put into place, the members of the Revolutionary United Front wanted him overthrown. This movement led to the beginning of the war in Sierra Leone. To look at the policies that Momoh contributed to Sierra Leone, you have to also look at the life of the man who made the policies. Sierra Leone is the birthplace of Joseph Momoh

  • Liberia Civil War Essay

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    Liberia is known for their natural resources and rich ethnic traditions. However, there is much more to Liberia than just this. For example, Liberia had two civil wars between 1989 and 2003. The civil wars were caused by the greed of men and resulted in total chaos of the country, millions of people displaced or killed, and the collapse of the Liberian government. The first civil war was started in 1980 as a political uprising caused by Samuel Doe who was a sergeant in the Liberian military.

  • Physicians For Human Rights Case Study

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    Dating back to 1986, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) was founded by a group of professional doctors who were experts of medicine and health science to do the research and call for public awareness and justice actions to fight against inhumanity and human rights violations (Website—About PHR, 2011; Wikipedia, 2015). The initial purpose of the group was to testify as the representative of doctors and humanitarians in Chile, who were against the military dictator (Wikipedia, 2015). Over the almost

  • Balancing International Criminal Justice and Defendants' Rights

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    analysis is conducted looking at the law and practice of five international criminal tribunals, i.e. the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the International Criminal Court, and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. The author describes ‘fairness’ as a general category that includes a plurality of rights for the accused, and she indicates the relevant practice of international criminal tribunals in applying

  • John Locke's Belief That People Are Born with Rights

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    The Liberalist View Liberalism is a political ideology that was founded on the basis of equality and liberty. According to Liberalism, life, liberty, and property are rights people are born with and they should not be taken away. In Liberia, the main political party is the Unity Party which is a liberal party that focuses on economic Liberalism. In South Africa, the Democratic Alliance is a liberal party that wants an open opportunity society. Although these two nations are faced with many issues

  • Child Soldiers in Africa

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    Africa has been described as “the world’s most silent crisis.” They’ve been labeled this because African’s have struggled with child soldiers for many years. Child soldiers are used all throughout Africa. That includes Mozambique, Somalia, Congo and Uganda. The Central African Region (CAR) is the most known vicinity that employs child soldiers due to the viral video released in 2012, by an organization called “The Invisible Children”. The focus of this video was on the notorious Lord’s Resistance

  • UN Peacekeeping Case Study

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    When conflict arises in third world countries and indication that human right abuses are being violated in third world countries, the international community is frequently called upon to deploy forces and troops to try and combat growing tension and retain the peace . The United Nations often receives this call. The United Nations was founded on four simple principles and purposes; to maintain peace throughout the international community, to develop friendly relations among nations, to help nations

  • The African Methodist Episcopal Church

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    ache, despair and restriction of worship to the African... ... middle of paper ... ...he African Methodist Episcopal Church has a long history of struggles, victories and achievements. The Africans gained privilege to worship God in their own special way by forming their own church that represents who they were and what they believed. To this present day the freedom to worship God is still evident inside the walls of the many AME Churches. The AME Church shines light throughout the world that

  • The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen

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    The Devil’s Arithmetic Independent Reading Response Questions, Chapters 6-9: 1) Hannah reveals that her best friend is Rosemary, a Catholic girl, and states, “As if that matters (p. 46).” As Chaya, her new friends are in shock upon hearing this. Ester states, “My father will not even let me talk to a goy (p. 47).” Why will Ester’s father not allow this? Why is Hannah not bothered by it? Use text evidence to support your response. Answer: Esther states, “My father will not even let me talk to a

  • The Emergence of the Political Rastafarian through Ras Samuel L Brown

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    Ras Political: The Emergence of the Political Rastafarian through Ras Samuel L Brown In the 1920s, Marcus Mosiah Garvey preached a rhetoric of pan-Africanism, and of a Jamaican exodus to the homeland of Africa. One young and impressionable Jamaican, Samuel Brown was touched and motivated by Garveyism, and his self-taught schooling eventually laid a great foundation for a cohesive Rastafarian sect through political action. Although Rastafarians are a typically non-political group of people, some

  • Analysis of A People´s History of the United States

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    1. Zinn's purpose for writing A People's History of the United States is to write about American history from the viewpoint of the people, and not from the rich or the men that made the decisions, but from the people who lived through those decisions and whose lives were affected. His purpose is not to make the people who were in charge look bad, but to see what they did from all perspectives. 2. Zinn's thesis for pages 1 to 11 is to tell the arrival of Columbus as it really happened from the point